Friday, September 5, 2014

FFV – Part 12: Silence in the Library

Summary: Easily one of my favorite areas of the entire Final Fantasy series so far. We reach the Library of the Ancients. Fighting through stacks of demonically-possessed books, we save Cid’s grandson, Mid. We also conquer Ifrit and the monster behind this assault, Byblos.


The flavor text in this game continues to be the best.

West of Karnak

-In a desert area, found the Dhorme Chimera I was warned about. Nasty, brutal, heavy AoE damage, but beatable.

-Mythril Dragon.


-A temple-looking building in a grove. The library?



Library of the Ancients


-The basement stacks have been overrun by monsters. Of course.

-Mid went off to look for a book. Operation: Rescue Mid.

-A monster, Byblos (heh), was sealed beneath this library. Don’t worry, guys, I’m sure he’s still sealed and causing no mischief.

-IFRIT IS HERE? “A long time ago, Ifrit would burn the possessed books for us.” That’s… well, a strangely specific task for a fire god or whatever Ifrit is to be doing.

-Makes me think of: “It was a pleasure to burn.”

-So. Many books are “possessed,” and they have to burn them. But it’s apparently hard to tell which ones are.

-Totally, TOTALLY down with haunted libraries. “Silence in the Library,” the intro to “Ghostbusters,” even the Goosebumps book I loved as a kid, “The Girl Who Cried Monster.” Such a cool setting.

-Let’s do this.


Library Basement

-I have to reiterate how wonderfully the music suits this. Tense, eerie, varied – it enhances this experience so much.

-This place is like a maze. I have to move the stacks in different ways to get through.

-Next room is in the dark, and there’s a spotlight around me.

Gives the impression that I have a small range of vision.




-Holy CRAP. That scared the bejeezus out of me.

-The enemies are books, and in each fight, a few different monsters pop out of different pages and I have to fight them off.

When books attack.

-Galuf’s Gaia attack here is “Ignus Fatuus,” a sweet-looking blue fire attack that does a wide range of damage. Sometimes at low as 250, sometimes as high at 1000.

-Ifrit is in a hidden passageway.


-Victory! Another tool for Galuf.

-A bookshelf jumped out at us: “Bwah-ha-ha! None shall pass!” The screen flashed red briefly, and then the bookshelf apologized sincerely to Ifrit for barring our way. LOLOL I wonder if I hadnd’t found Ifrit first, would the bookshelf have been a boss fight, or would I be forced to go get Ifrit?

-Faris leveled up her Ninja job, and got “First Strike,” a passive that increases our chances of a pre-emptive strike. Majorly useful.

-We reach the bottom of the basement. Small room, with a person standing and reading at the far end.

-But then a book jumps off the shelves and attacks us!

-BYBLOS! Boss-fight.

-Actually, looks a bit like Rawhead Rex:

-He stacks Protect on himself and gets pretty tanky, but not too tough.

-Dying words: “Very soon, the Master’s seal will be blown wide open!” Uh-oh.

-It’s Mid at the other end.

-LOL he’s still reading, and didn’t notice us fighting Byblos.


Main Library

-Yay! Mid found a way to repower the Fire-Powered Ship.

-He sounds both surprised and distraught to hear of Cid’s crushed remorse.

Badass glasses on Mid.

-Mid charges off to find Grampa Cid.



Next time: Jachol, unless more fun stuff interrupts us.

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