Friday, September 5, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - Daily Food and Quest Log, 9/4/14

Food Log

9:15am: English muffin with light cream cheese.

12:15pm: Chicken quesadilla with cheese, salsa.

1:15pm: Brownie.

3:30pm: Two clementines.

5:00pm: Lamb gyro with tomato, chickpeas, tzatziki sauce.  Fries.


Quest Progress

"Becoming a Water Drinker: Phase One, Week One" - Drank three liters of water today.  This was tough, and took conscious effort.  Really filled me up, too.

"Becoming a Fruit-Eater: Phase One, Week One" - Had two clementines today.

"Short is Good" - Some progress here.  Took out money from the bank in $5 bills, but didn't divide it up yet in terms of what to take out and what to leave at home.

"The Nerd Fitness Diet: Level One, Week One" - Logged food.

"Sugar, Sugar: Level One" - Craved chocolate, had clementines instead.

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