Saturday, September 27, 2014

FFV – Part 32: Psychotic Communication

Summary: We move through Quelb to Bal. Krile directs us to fly for council to the sage Ghido. Just as we arrive on Ghido’s island, Exdeath summons an earthquake that destroys it. We move onto Surgate, home of the absent king Xezat.


-I wonder why the Dragon Grass was corrupted. Probably just a consequence of Exdeath’s rise.

-Not much else in town here beyond some “Congrats on not dying in Drakenvale” flavor text.



-LOL – we can’t get in.

Maybe they’re not used to their king dressing like a sheep. The beastmaster king of Baaaaaal. (sry not sry)

We scoot into the castle through a hidden door via the moat. Galuf is gracious with his guards.

Well, gracious-ish.

-Gonna check the basement again… yeah, still locked. Though I did get into a tough fight with six of those Objet d’art statues. They all can cast “Break,” and I couldn’t learn it, but they ran OOM after one cast. 8 ABP!

-The last of the Dawn Warriors, Xezat (king of Surgate) is attacking Exdeath. Go, Xezat!

-Krile’s sick. Please tell me I don’t need to go through the waterway to find a sand ruby.

-Krile: “He’s calling.” CREEPY. Oh, not creepy I guess. She says it’s Ghido calling, some 700 year old prophet who may be able to help us kill Exdeath.

Bartz elaborates on the method of mental communication Ghido’s using:

LOLOLOL. Yes, psychotic communication.

Let’s go talk to him! He lives on an island northeast of Drakenvale.

-The drake doesn’t want to eat the curing dragon grass, because its corrupted form killed his buddies. Lenna does the “Look, even I’m eating it! See? Mmmmm, good!” thing, but it’s poison to her. It works and the drake eats it, but she collapses.

-Krile must’ve sensed this happening because she shows up and gives Lenna some medicine. Lenna gets better, but the effort of running up gets to Krile, and she collapses.

-Krile gets up and is okay. Ish.


Krile heads back to bed, and we’re flying.


Ghido’s Island

-As soon as we land, an earthquake hits.

-Wow. Some earthquake. It destroys the island! That’s inconvenient.

-We flash to…


Evil Lair of Evil

-Exdeath! It was him that caused the quake.

-I kind of love how over-the-top he is. Can’t resist the chance for a good “Mwa-ha-ha!”



-We emerge from the ocean on the wind drake, but not sure about Ghido. The island is totally gone.

-Flew west and saw a castle.



-It’s Surgate, Xezat’s castle.

-They recognize King Galuf. Guard: “Please, take anything in the castle that may help you!” Don’t have to tell me twice. (Or once, usually.)

-We go to Xezat’s room. He’s not there since he’s out attacking Exdeath, but Galuf reads a book in his room and sees a song from their youth written inside. We learn “Swift Song.” Again, I really enjoy this mechanic of learning songs from the environment rather than a store.

-Surgate library. There’s a book everyone’s talking about called “The Sealed Tome.” Key apges from it are missing. I’m hoping that eventually this book will help me get into either Kuza, the Sealed Castle, or into that desert tower back in Bartz’s world. If I’m really lucky, it’ll say something like, “To defeat the fucking Shield Dragon, thee must dance a jig.”

-Bartz recognizes the book! In addition, one of the librarians says they searched “every book on the planet” for the missing pages. I’ll bet the pages are in Bartz’s old home in Lix.

-Mini-game reshelving books. I love mini-games in FF.

-There’s a book about the “Lance” spell, but I don’t learn the spell. Flavor text only or I may be missing something.

-Learned Float! That’ll be useful.

-I can land my drake on Xezat’s ship. That’ll be useful.

-Someone saw something in the lake north of the castle.

Creepy! I’m hoping it’s an Eye-dolon I’ll be able to summon.


The lake is ringed by mountains, so can’t get there with the drake unless the drake in this world flies higher than Hiryu.

-Exdeath’s castle is fortified on the Big Bridge, but unprotected from the east.

-Oh no! My two-handed dragoon plan for Bartz is dead. Just noticed that lances are one-handed only. Oh well. “Would you like some making Monk-BERSERKER” time.


Next time: quick glance (hee) at the lake with the eyeball in it, some exploration, then probably will meet up with Xezat’s attack on Exdeath.

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