-One of my favorite parts of Wildstar's tone so far is that it doesn't just treat this like a sci-fi game, but like a cheesy sci-fi serial or television show! I reached Elderoot Refuge, and got the following message:
"After surviving an attack by the p*********** forests of Everstar Grove, the exiles have discovered a massive tree that was once an ancient Eldan experiment. Can things get any weirder? Stick around and find out!"
-The Elderoot Tree itself looks pretty amazing.
A unique blend of nature and technology.
And wisdom? Found a journal nearby listing teachings from the Elderoot, nuggets like "To an insect, the tree is the universe. To the universe, the tree is an insect." These were apparently transcribed by someone who "heard" the tree.
-The Aurin guards around Elderoot Refuge look badass.
-Dr. Victor Lazarin, the Mordesh alchemist, is here at the Elderoot Tree. He's trying to "awaken" it. That... sounds like a bad idea?
I mean, I get why he's doing it. He believes the Elderoot Tree possesses Eldan knowledge that can be used to cure the Mordesh contagion. But I kind of doubt the Tree will be kind enough to hand it over.
-Anyway, I go about trying to wake up the Elderoot Tree. Collecting energy to power it up, manually resetting its operating system.
-It worked! It woke up, and DIDN'T try to kill us.
So that's good.
-Not too much new stuff this level. Got a fourth action button and Concentrated Blade. This is a charge-up ability where I cast it, and after three seconds it hits a nearby enemy and grants me a psi point.
I'll try to remember to use this early and account for it so that I don't munch a psi point before using a finisher like Mind Burst.
-Really liking these challenges. I killed a random monster walking near the Elderoot Tree, a mech guardian. Then BOOM! A challenge to kill a bunch within a time period. I failed the challenge at first because I didn't notice I picked it up, but was able to restart it. Lots of experience.