-Galeras is just outside Thayd. The zone theme seems like it'll be repelling a Dominion attack on the city.
-Ooh! Looks like I have an expedition open to me in Thayd.
Alpha Sanctum
-Traveled to the Alpha Sanctum through a portal in Thayd. A mwa-ha-ha'er named The Curator took some of my friends and wants me to "explore the exhibits." Museum theme expedition?
-Yes! It's an Eldan museum celebrating their order and power. One exhibit showcases primal elements (fire, air, logic, and others). Another showcases their hierarchy - e.g. watcher, shapers, progenitors. All seem designed to forge life and order on a massive, planetary scale. The Nexus Project.
-Eventually I learn that their goal is to forge a legacy of perfection across the universe through this Project. Well... can't fault their ambition I guess.
-After saving the party and before we leave, a white-cowled hologram/ghost/thing appeared briefly to give one of those cryptic "This is just the beginning! There's so much more to show you" kind of hints.
-The attack on Thayd was just a distraction. The Dominion really wanted to destroy one of the main supply hubs to Thayd, Tempest Ridge. Helped to defend the town and kill the attacking Chua.
-Last stop before I leveled was a Crimson base. The Crimson are some Dominion military unit, messing with what seems to be a super weapon called "Focus of Air."
I'm a bit over-leveled, so I'll skip the side quests and just do zone quests until those zone quests are about my level. Well, zone quests and soldier (path) quests and world quests. At least until I catch up in levels so that I'm no longer fighting stuff a few levels below me.