Mushroom Rock Road
-The Youth League camp looks pretty sweet.
-heeeeee Shinra’s gullwings song

-Nooj meets us here. Welcomes our sphere.

-The Gullwings revel in the newfound adulation.
-Private meeting with Nooj. Nooj wants us to forget what was on the sphere. Not sure it’s that easy.
-He says that the machine we was is called Vengnagun. That’s some final boss shit right there.
-Vengnagun possesses huge and destructive power. The Yevonites think they can control it, and the Youth League wants to prevent them from getting it.
-Nooj doesn’t know who maybe!Tidus is.
-Distress signal from the Celsius.
-Burglars! The Celsius has been robbed. Our broken-sphere from Zanarkand was stolen. A sphere was left behind in its place.
-The sphere has a heart in it. Three guesses who left it and robbed us and the first two guesses don’t count.

-omg dullwings XD XD XD Leblanc seems like a “Tail Spin” or “Duck Tales” villain for some reason.
-Yuna wants to go after it. She wants to go retake the sphere from Leblanc.
-Time to go to Chateau Leblanc.
-Yuna wants to sneak into the chateau. In disguise. The plan now is to find Leblanc’s gang, steal their yuniforms, and… the mission is called “Strip Search?”

-Next hotspot is Guadosalam, but I won’t go there quite yet. I want to head back to where I’d been.
-Y’know, I’m on the location airship map and seeing something a bit noteworthy. Each of the places here seems to have some story.
-I’m having an internal debate. A part of me wants to just visit ALL the places other than the hotspot to see what’s up. Another part of me thinks I’ll be wasting my time, that I’ll be visiting places I’m not intended to go and will run into empty zones, zones without story. Hm.
-Won’t decide yet. First, going to revisit Zanarkand Ruins and Kilika Island and see what the story is like.
Zanarkand Ruins
-The first difference from my last visit is that the New Yevonites are openly hostile to me. I’ve chosen a side.

-Rikku is disappointed that Cid is continuing with his business.
-About to walk through the Zanarkand Ruins, and I want to come up with a combat plan so I’m not just haphazardly dressphere-swapping.
Rikku: Black mage and thief. Black mage until low on mana, then thief to steal MP back.
Paine: Swap between warrior and festivalist as mood suggests.
Yuna: White mage when healing is needed, festivalist when it’s light.
-Also, turning off dressphere changes. They’re cool, but I don’t need to see them every time.
-The treasure chests refilled here.
-Isaaru is here. He’s upset by the monkeys – they’ve been harassing tourists lol.
-Cid left? Oh shit. I guess Rikku got through to him, or affected him. I’ll bet we find him in the Bikanel Desert, since Rikku specifically told him that turning Zanarkand into a tourist trap would be like putting a theme park in the ruins of Home.

-Time to track some monkeys.
Quivrr: looking for a heart to break.
Sylva: can’t keep living like this.
Felina: looks unsociable.
Winter: looks extremely grumpy.
Entry Tetris Room
Autumn: looks lovelorn.
Main Tetris Room
Maxx: likes the sound of gil.
Terran: wears a forlorn expression.
Peke: cocks his head in disdain.
Arroh: looks sullen.
Thyme: looks queasy.
Chamber of the Fayth
Golde: looks ready to rant.
Sequoia: is fuming.
Valli: is up to no good.
Summer: looks unfulfilled.
-OH!! I think I get it. It’s not about the epithets. It’s about the names. I’ll bet Summer goes with Autumn, Peke goes with Valli, Quivrr goes with Arroh, etc.
Great Hall
Spring: sure looks testy.
Rosemary: is after your gil!
Canis: wants something.
Sol: hates tourists.
Minni: drools lecherously.
The Beyond
Birch: -YES!!! Birch has a heart over his head, and I can pick him up. Who would he go with – sequoia seems most likely.
Dawne: looks sleepy.
Skye: is gazing into the distance.
-it worked. This is fucking adorable. I picked one up with a heart and found their match.
-Gonna try out more pairs:
-Spring with…hm, Summer? No, Summer’s not interested. Autumn.

-Dawne fell in love with Dusky.
-Rosemary and Thyme. Five bucks says their kids will be Parsley and Sage.
-Terran and Skye.

They’re so happy!
-Minni and Maxx.
-Summer and Winter.
-Peke and Valli.
-Canis and… hm… oh, Felina!
-Arroh and Smoak. Not seeing a Smoak, so I’ll go with Quivrr.
-Golde and Sylva. (I first thought Terran went with Sylva, like an earth and woods thing, but now I see.)
-Luna and Sol. This should be the last one.

-Got a Soul of Thamasa, an accessory that strengthens spells but doubles their cost. Figures it’d be a magic-centric item. I see you, FFVI.
-That was a lot of fun. Though I imagine it could be a bit of a nightmare for someone whose fluency in English isn't super strong.
Next time: revisiting Kilika.