-We have to help Tobli sell tickets. In exchange for a sphere he has.
-This seems like it’ll be a bargaining game. We have to sell tickets to as many people as possible, but can haggle the price up. I am awful at haggling irl.

-The key seems to be talking to people first. Like, one who said he was dying to see the show I was able to charge double.
-Heh, I found “riiiide ze shoopuf” guy.
-There’s an attraction of some sort in the Calm Lands. Personal guess: they’ve expanded that arena into a huge FFVI-style coliseum.
-Going pretty well so far. I’m sure I lost out on potential profit, but I played it conservatively. Only one person I pitched hasn’t bought a ticket. (500 was too pricey – he wanted 100 no doubt, but I couldn’t change my offer to him.)
CALLI (I think?): “Watching Tobli gives me this weird tingly feeling. Am I weird?” Judgment free zone, Calli. You do you.

-I’ve talked to everyone I can find, but there are still two people I haven’t pitched to yet. Hm.
-Going to try hopping aboard the Shoopuf in case the last people are up here.
-Turned out to be the right call. I can sell stuff on the north bank too.
-Okay, that’s it. 9/10 tickets sold. 2,200 in profits. AND THE PRICELESS REWARD: A GUN MAGE DRESSPHERE, FUCK YES
-Also got the Seething Cauldron Garment Grid. Passing through each node here grants +10 magic.

-She ran away. She showed up in combat and left real quickly. Hm. Maybe I have to throw Gysahl Greens at it or something.
-An Al Bhed woman on the road mentions organized bandits. Haven’t seen any yet myself.
-Oh. Lol. The next zone over, I see LeBlanc’s goons. I’ll deal with them later. For now, I want to see the show!
-Not sure what to make of Rikku’s gun mage weapon.

-Pretty happy to have access to Scan again.
-Actively trying to broaden my dressphere base. Once I start getting into the higher point total things, swapping to other dresspheres for versatility.
-Songstress!Yuna looks pretty awesome. Songstress!Paine looks like a bad Elvis impersonator.
-I like the reminders we get that Shinra’s just a kid.
-YIKES – brutal enemy.

Shell Shocker.
-Lots of health and resistance.
-Getting close to Guadosalam so I’m gonna back off. Don’t wanna activate the hotspot.
-Can’t seem to activate Tobli’s show to start. Perhaps it happens later in the story.
Macalania Woods
-There’s a Hypello here who asks for our help. He knows Chief (chief??) Tobli.
-Tobli’s throwing a festival and looking for musicians. We have to go help recruit. Guess this is a music-focused session.
-Ran into an enemy called “Amorphous Gel.” It started knocking me down to 1 HP while taking like no damage, so I noped out of there.

-Found a Guado here who says the Guado have fled Guadosalam. Why? Ronso attacks?
-Tromell is here in the woods. At a spring.
Calm Lands
-I think I accidentally stumbled into the Calm Lands.
-Rikku and Paine immediately start talking about games, about Argent credits and Open Air credits.
-The Calm Lands is like fun-zone now. Two different companies that stock items, Argent and Open Air.
-Sounds fun and all, but I want to finish up the prior zone first.
Macalania Woods
-Arrgh! Lol, I keep stumbling into places I don’t want to go yet. This time into Bevelle. I backtrack.
-Found the first musician. He uses his harp to call his friends, but it doesn’t work.

-oh god no. “The spirits of my friends often become butterflies and drift through the woods.” [Later edit: still breathing a sigh of relief that they didn’t bring back the same butterfly game from FFX. It wasn’t THAT bad, but still.]
-I have to find Bayra’s friends, Donga and Pukutak.
-lol I keep fucking up and leaving the zone
-Found Pukutak. These characters are hilarious, and seem straight outta Wonderland.

-And found the second one, Donga. Success!
BAYRA: “Yes. It will be a brilliant finale for our doomed kind.” I thought I was just getting some weird forest faery types to do a jamboree. This got dark fast.
-The Fayth left, and with them, these guys.
-Got the Haste Bangle.
-I have the choice to head back to the Celsius directly. I’ve never gotten that choice before, so I say no.
-look who it is. Tromell. Fucking Tromell.
-never mind.

-repentant, apologetic, reflective Tromell. What a new Spira we’re in. “With Lord Seymour gone, we Guado are hardly different from the dead.”
-The Guado sealed themselves in Guadosalam against the vengeance of the Ronso, but then fled.
-This is really something to see. Even TROMELL now admits how wrongly they acted in following Seymour.
TROMELL: “Lady Yuna, I cannot ask that you forgive us. Only that you forget us.”
-I keep talking to Tromell, and eventually he gives us Paine’s special dressphere, “Full Throttle.”
Tromell, I don’t give a shit how many deaths your flawed sense of loyalty caused in the last game. This one sphere makes up for all.
-This is the thing I needed so that something happens when Paine accesses all her dresspheres in one fight.
-Also got the Unerring Path garment grid.
-With that, Tromell walks away.
-Unerring Path has no bonuses, but only two dressphere slots. Perfect for getting to the special dressphere quickly. Going to try that out before I end the session.
-I’m walking back across the woods and there’s no music. This is eerie.
-Talked to that Hypello by the entryway. He gives me a “Bitter Farewell” garment grid. Grants access to death and doom abilities.
-I like that Songstress!Yuna’s songs are… well, songs! She sings with them.



-Powerful too, a full party and the chance to grow like other dresspheres and learn abilities, but I’m just beyond blown away by the dressphere design. Wow wow wow. Part heavy metal, part Starcraft, part Clive Barker nightmare.
Love love love it.

One more for good measure.
Next time: more missions!