An Uninvited Ascian
-Last time, Nabriales the Ascian absconded with Minfilia into his void world. I pursue with my friends
-Inside the portal is a platform in the void surrounded by statue/platforms. Minfilia hangs above the platform, bound by void handcuffs.
It’s a tough fight, with orbs to absorb in the first phase and then meteors to survive in the second phase. I die. A lot. It’s completely my fault – apologies, Carrie! (She was our group’s healer.)
-Victory! Minfilia drops, safe. I’m still afraid that something went horribly wrong. Specifically, I’m afraid Nabriales possessed her with the spirit of the Ascian god Zodiark.
-We all pop out of the portal back to the Scion HQ. Nabriales too. We fought him off this time, but he’ll be back to try stealing Minfilia’s staff.
-I’m still concerned about Moenbryda. Nabriales blasted her with purple light. Is she okay?
-HAHA YES, MOENBRYDA’S PLAN WORKED! The white auracite she prepared sucks Nabriales’s spirit in, trapping him.
I take the broken staff, Tupsimati, and draw aether from the area. It forms a blade of aether to strike the auracite.
-It’s not working. Not sure why. Maybe because we don’t have Hydaelyn’s blessing, or maybe just because it’s not enough aether, as Moenbryda thinks.
-She slowly and deliberately walks into the path of aether ray. She’s adding her own spirit to the aether, giving it just enough strength to finish off Nabriales.
NABRIALES: “I am eternal! I am immortaaaaaaal!”
-The auracite shatters. It’s the first time we’ve tangibly hurt/killed an Ascian. I have Rocky IV quotes blasting through my head. “The Russian is cut!” “You see? He’s not a machine, he’s a man!”
RIP Moenbryda.
-The other Scions report in and hear the news. It hits Urianger the hardest. The stuffy old jerk was her best friend.
Long ago, Urianger and Moenbryda studied together under Master Louisoix in the “Sharlayan homeland.” That’s one of the places the Ascians obliterated of late. Louisoix’s noble intentions ran counter to the Sharlayan policy of neutrality, but he persisted.
His noble sacrifice helped save the realm from Bahamut during the Calamity (though we’re shy on details).
-Moenbryda took her master Louisoix’s loss hard. He kept her in the dark often to let her find her own way, not feel bound to his path.
We see now that she found her own way. His way. Sacrifice for the greater good. Still sad. There HAD to be a better way that didn’t kill her off.
-At least her sacrifice wasn’t in vain. She gave us the foundations for an aether blade. We have to continue her work.
Homecoming (Archer)
-My archer job was at 25. I have the level 25 and 30 quests remaining, then I unlock bard.
-The archer storyline focuses on conflicts between an Elezen and Miqo’te archer, trying to mesh together within the melting pot atmosphere of the Gridanian archery guild. Last time, we started to come together against the Miqo’te poacher, Pawah Mujuuk.
-Silvairre, the Elezen archer, considers leaving the guild and take out Pawah Mujuuk on his own. She defeated him when he was younger. Now he wants to go after her to redeem himself.
-Leih Aliapoh, the Miqo’te archer, also has doubts. She grew up in a poor town and arrived late to Gridania. Seeing Pawah Mujuuk’s skill knocked her back. It makes her wonder whether living here as an immigrant is good for her. SHE’S LEAVING TOO!!
-She asks me to meet her in the woods. I go, and she’s not alone. Pawah is here too. Looks like she’s leaving to join Pawah Mujuuk’s group.
This whole storyline centers on questions or purity. Gridania’s archery guild tries to be a melting pot, mixing cultures and styles into something unique. It’s currently failing both Leih Aliapoh and Silvairre.
They feel like they’re missing something. Leih thinks to regain that something by joining Pawah, and Silvairre thinks to regain it by fighting Pawah.
-She pleads for my life… and fails Pawah’s test. No gang for Leih.
-She’s pissed. She’s at rock bottom right now. Failed by Gridania, abandoned by Pawah. Desperate now. She begs me to show her what is so worth holding onto about the Gridanian archery mix.
-We fight. A duel of archers. It’s a revelation for her, that the Gridanian way can be her home.
Welcome back to the fold, Leih. I hope you find peace.
-The quest reward is one of the oddest looking bows I’ve ever seen. It looks like a circle, or like an unstrung harp.
[Later edit: turns out that it just looks like this when it’s in compact form. It expands into a normal-looking bow.]
The One That Got Away (Archer)
-Silvairre is still set on moving solo against the Mujuuk Gang. He thinks that as an Elezen, he’s the only one who has a personal connection to this battle.
Silvairre? More like Tsundairre.
Bite me, dude. Both Leih and I care about the archery guild as well.
-He leaves to face the gang on his own. But we don’t have to listen to him, so Leih and I follow.
-We find him wounded and alone, so we swoop in and save his ass from a swarm of gang members. Leih gets really into it, going full Eowyn:
LEIH: “If you want him, come and claim him!”
-Afterwards, Leih tears into Silvairre. It’s great. And Silvairre finally agrees to accept our help, to accept that we can all share the same stage.
-The three of us track down Pawah, united as one.
Pawah is one of my favorite mini-villains.
It’s a tough fight. Tons of enemy archers, and I have to dodge patches of fire that Pawah drops on me.
We finish Pawah off with a team attack between the three of us. Me, Leih, and Silvairre.
-It’s a victory, and not just a personal one. The whole Archers’ Guild wins. The city’s diversity enriches it.
Random Images
A Miqo’te in classic white mage garb:
The most sinister block:
Fearsomely-geared players with goofy names crack me up:
A player dressed like Yuna:
Next time: continuing Moenbryda’s work.