The Time Between Seconds
-Yugiri uses the stolen itinerary to plot her attack against crown prince Zenos.
-As she finds the best spot in Zenos’ travels to ambush him, I’m reminded of FFVIII and the ill-fated attempt on the Sorceress. I fear this will meet a similar end.
-Later that night, Yugiri and I on a rooftop for Zenos to walk by with his entourage. Yotsuyu is there too.
-Zenos complains aloud. Yanxia bores him.
ZENOS: “We labored long to sow the seeds of hatred, of fear – to train them as beasts. Now we shall see the harvest. Let there be savage beasts baying for blood, and not hollow-eyed prey cowering in the dark, or there will be no joy in this hunt.”
He’s so interesting in this regard! He cherishes the combat, but unlike most tyrants who would want a subservient populace, he wants to be challenged. Hell, he’ll probably be grateful for our attack.
-Yotsuyu is quiet, not her usual exuberant self. Zenos is clearly her superior.
-His retinue approaches us. Yugiri attacks. Zenos is (of course) ready and blocks Yugiri.
-Strangely, Yotsuyu seems nervous without her “brute” (Grynewaht) here. Maybe she’s not some mighty witch after all. She could just be a regular person with status and sadism, like early FFVI Kefka.
-Zenos is using the sword gifted him by Yotsuyu, stolen from the Red Kojin.
-This second Zenos fight has two phases. In the first, he 100% toys with us. Walks slowly, takes whatever we throw at him. Zenos tosses Yugiri aside at the end of this phase leaving a solo fight for phase 2.
The second phase… he transforms. Some sort of fiery form. I’m not sure if this is an innate power or something drawn from the sword. Whatever the answer, he’s STILL going easy as he obliterates us.
[Later edit: I saw in a screenshot that at the start of the phase change, he says: “Well done, beast. You have earned the right to look on the Ame no Habakiri.” That sounds like a weapon thing. Anyone more familiar with Japanese know for sure?]
-Only at the end does he remember me. “Champion of the savages.”
-For some reason, Ququshu now remembers Urianger’s parting prophecy/poem. “Look ye where the sun doth rise…” [Later edit: maybe this heralds the villagers’ rising.]
-He moves in for the killing blow when a knife bonks him on the head out of nowhere. Doesn’t hurt him, but makes him pause a second. Who threw it? Alphinaud?
-Zenos removes his helmet.
“Hear me, hero. Endure. Survive. Live. For the rush of blood, for the time between seconds – live. For the sole pleasure left to me in this empty, ephemeral world – live!”
He’s like the dark reflection of Gilgamesh. He takes joy in action and challenge, but it’s not the joy of someone living a full and happy existence.
It’s the kind of joy a vampire gets from blood. Fleeting, a temporary release. Something to provide a brief spark in a meaningless void.
-I’m still not a challenge, but he thinks I might be one day.
-Yugiri charges at him from behind. He swats her away casually. “You are not worthy.” SAVAGE.
-Another projectile hits near Zenos, an arrow. WHO IS THIS?
-Yugiri urges them to flee. Isse isn’t having it. “We’re not going anywhere! Do you hear me?! We’re not running away!”
He even acknowledges that what Yugiri is doing is reckless and foolish, but Isse is FED UP. He’s suffered a life of debasement for the sake of his own and his loved ones’ survival.
A memory of suffering.
Yugiri’s presence here reminded Isse of all the things he wished he did, wished he said.
Mere survival isn’t enough. He’s done with the Empire, foolish or not.
YOU DID IT YUGIRI! You can SEE her hope rekindling in her adopted nation.
Lord Hien asked her to learn the heart of Doma. She found it, tested it, injected it with fresh life.
-I thought Zenos would be excited to have some opposition. He’s not. He’s bored.
“Death is death, regardless of the reason. Yet you seem determined to die, intruding upon this sacred ground, turning weapons you can scarcely wield upon me.”
[Later edit: this makes sense. He wants a real challenge. The villagers alone are not it.]
He starts marching towards them to slaughter this whole village when Alisaie steps in. Gosetsu too.
-Yotsuyu begins to panic, shouting orders… but Zenos on walks away calmly. He even smiles.
This is the hunt he yearned for. What a great villain
All the Little Angels
-Isse feels excited. Maybe for the first time in his life. All the villagers are talking about arming.
-Yugiri apologizes to Gosetsu and Alisaie for acting on her own. It turned out okay.
-Lyse is here! Alphinaud too.
-We rallied the people, but still could barely touch Zenos. Furthermore, we revealed our presence here. The master strategist can now plan for us. What’s our plan?
-lololol alisaie: “I yield the floor to the preeminent tactician of our time, with whom I was privileged to share a womb.”
-Alphinaud doesn’t believe the Alliance can help us. The logistics and distance are too much. We need Lord Hien. He wanted proof of Doma’s heart. The arming of Namai should suffice.
-Yugiri and Gosetsu will seek Lord Hien in the Azim Steppe.
A random player in a gold robe-suit-thing.
-There’s real hope. Yotusyu’s success in crushing hope here led the Empire to retract much military presence. We have a chance to take out the provincial government if we act relatively soon.
-Everything Lyse hears about Lord Hien makes her more disgusted with Fordola, that Ala Mhigan who helps the Empire. After all, Lord Hien grew up in an imperial province but didn’t turn on his people like Fordola did.
(Not a great comparison, since Fordola was just a regular person while Hien was a ruler, but I get the gist of what angers Lyse so much here.)
-Yugiri, Gosetsu, Alisaie and I will go find Lord Hien. The rest will stay behind and make preparations to assault Doma Castle.
-Before we leave, Isse thanks us. It’s sweet, but I’m TERRIFIED he’s gonna die tragically. I give him a 10% chance to live through this expansion.
Sleeping Giants
-Scene change, to Doma castle. Zenos is hearing some news.
“I would expect no less of Bahamut’s conqueror.” The game must be assuming I’ve already beaten the Final Coil of Bahamut.
-Zenos wants to see “this prize” for himself. WAIT IS IT OMEGA WEAPON?? That must be what he’s talking about, not me. Of course! I’d forgotten all about
-He starts to walk out, past the kneeling Yotsuyu… and grabs her BY THE HAIR.
ZENOS: “Do you understand why I appointed you to act in my stead? You, whose only accomplishment was to whisper the right words in the right ear?”
I think I was right. Yotsuyu isn’t some mighty black mage. She’s just a person.
ZENOS: “Because of your petty hatreds. They render you the perfect instrument to bleed your kinsmen of hope.”
If the rebels take Doma, Yotsuyu is done for. Zenos implies that he’ll have her killed. He leaves for Omega.
Zenos seems to have two seemingly contradictory motivations that I’m trying to parse. First, he wants challenge and combat. Second, he wants to crush the spirits of the Empire’s territories.
-Yotsuyu gets up in a quiet rage. Orders me captured and killed. My friends. Everyone I know and love.
-Scene change, now to Gyr Abanis (Ala Mhigo country).
-A giant hole in the earth? Maybe this is where Shinryu or Omega fell.
-Someone stands above it looking down. Is that a spear? IS THAT ESTINIEN?
-He’s not red, but his spear is.
???: “When his shade was banished, you swore to leave this life behind. And yet here you are.”
IT IS ESTINIEN! He thinks whatever he’s looking at may be the work of the Eyes of Nidhogg… oh RIGHT, of course, because the Eyes summoned Shinryu. Shinryu is down that hole.
And Estinien is back in all his helmet-less, creepy-smiling glory to help us.
Next time: to Lord Hien.