Father and Son (main quest #5)
-Finished all four main quests. I imagine the next change or direction will come when 6am hits.
-There’s a research station in the north. They know about a “grumpy old guy” who lives in a wrecked airship. Sounds like Sazh. Again, it’s weird that they’d identify him as such because everyone is hundreds of years old, but whatever.
-They’ve seen him getting visitors recently, girls. Chocobo girls maybe?
-Reached the downed airship, and… yup! Sazh and Dajh.
-Dajh is asleep. Has been since the chaos hit.
SAZH: “His body’s still alive, but his soul? It’s not in there.”
-He carries a jar for soul fragments. If he collects enough, Dajh will wake up. So saith Lumina.
-A blue chocobo chick appears outside, and leads me to a nearby “Fragment of Mischief.”
-Lumina appears. She’s been keeping an eye on me, curious if I’ll save Dajh and/or Sazh.
-The quest for Dajh’s soul fragments is world-wide.
#1) Right here. Found it.
#2) Talk to Chocolina.
#3) Talk to a soul seed trader.
#4) From the Cactair I killed in the Dead Dunes.
#5) A prize in the Yusnaan Slaughterhouse.
-Two down already, three to go.
-Chocolina is super worried about him Sazh. One quick side quest and she turns over his “smile fragment.” I adore that: she held one of the more joyous parts of Dajh’s soul in her heart.
-She’s still coy about her identity. Lightning doesn’t know that she’s Sazh’s chick.
-WOO! I finally gave Odin enough Scooby snacks. He’s fully recovered.

-I hoped this would mean he’d legitimately fly, not just glide, but nope. Still glide only. Not sure how I’ll reach those treasures that are so high up.
[Later edit: I was able to find most of them through some jumping puzzles.]
-Huh! I just checked the quest log, and I have a barrage of Sazh quests. They’re all listed as MAIN quests – batch #5.
-I teleport over to Yusnaan, winning that fragment in a quick Slaughterhouse fight against a Zaltys.
-hi again lumina. She keeps saying how she cares about Sazh, but in a mocking tone. I’m still 95% sure that her caring is sincere. She gave Sazh the Coffer of Souls to help Dajh.
-I pick up a new three-star quest for a Slaughterhouse fight, against a chaos machine called (of all things) Desmond. This smells like a superboss.
-lol nm it sucks. Still a sad story: an alchemist accidentally stuck his brother’s soul inside Desmond. Poor Alphonse.
-Won a blue mage garb from a side quest. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with blue mages. Just give some lightning and wind attacks with good ATB recovery.
-The last fragment comes from a soul seed trader who wants something from the Moogle Village.
-When I arrive back in the Wildlands, Canopus Farms is engulfed by Chaos. GOTTA SAVE THE CHOCOBO PATIENTS
-Had to take out a chaos-powered chocobo eater... but only after the damage was done.
-Odin is distraught at the dead chocobos. All Lightning can do is pray for them.

-The reward is a strange one. It’s a double-sided bladed called Gagnrad. +500 strength/magic, +25 ATB speed… but -90% stagger power and -50% strength.
What’s the point? I mean, I guess it’s nice if you want magic but don’t care about staggering at all.
-The woods near the Moogle Village are now packed with little moogles.
-They’re ridiculous as ever. Their voices especially crack me up.

-At least they’re excited to see Lightning.

Hail to the chief.
-Mog runs. He feels tremendous shame. “Because Mog couldn’t protect Serah, kupo.”
-He’s heartbroken, poor little guy. But he perks up on hearing I might be able to bring her soul back.
-He’s so happy he rushes for a slow-motion hug with Lightning.
-The moogle vendor here sells adornments, including Lightning and Serah masks.

The retro Serah mask.
-The Chaos flood destroyed the moogles’ home. They roamed and wound up here. I’m happy Mog isn’t alone anymore.
-Anyway, I head to the Wildlands seed dude and get the final fragment. Let’s see if this works.
-Back at Sazh’s, “Dajh’s little chocolina” flits nearby. He still doesn’t know about Chocolina’s other form, but Lightning sure as hell makes the connection now.
-Sazh is having trouble opening the box. Lumina arrives (of course) to help.
LUMINA: “His soul is reborn, but the heart’s shut away tight. Little Dajh is frightened and doesn’t want to come out. It’s your scary face.”
SAZH: “My face? What am I supposed to do about that? It’s the only one I got!”
-Meanwhile, Chocolina is flipping out, trying to give Sazh a message. I’m not sure what – she’s pecking him, squawking up a storm.

-This is… weird. It’s funny, but still, the game seems to be telling Sazh to smile more basically. Like, have some compassion? He’s spent hundreds of years with his son in a coma. Of COURSE he’s upset.
-Anyway, he takes the lesson that it’s not okay to look upset and picks his spirits up. Starts playing goofily with a model airship and Chocolina, making it seem super fun for Dajh to wake up.
It works. The soul box opens and Dajh is up.

-Btw, thanks go out to Mostly Probably Good Guy Lumina.
-This next Wildlands main quest is now complete. Glad I didn’t have to fight Sazh.
-Some time passes as I mess with various side quests. 6am hits.
-My favorite side quest may be when I had to return three moogles lost in the woods to the moogle village. Lightning found them and proved herself very much Serah’s sister.

The saddest niblet, last of his line:

A random happy pixelated dog:

The Ark – End of Day Five
-“Serah” meets Lightning here. Promises she’s coming home.

I call bullshit. This is another illusion.
-But if it is an illusion, it doesn’t really work. Lightning doesn’t fell anything on seeing her. No joy, no love.
-Day 6. Seven days until the end, and I don’t think we’re getting any more than that.
Next time: I think my main quests are done. I was planning on doing side quests and killing off species until the final day, when all the shit goes down (and presumably any final dungeon stuff).
[Non-rhetorical question: Is there any other main quest stuff I really need to watch out for? Not going for 100% completion, but I REALLY don’t want to have to replay the whole main game.]