I’m heading towards the end. I imagine there’s some brutal final dungeon and bosses awaiting me, and I’ve been coasting for a while. My wardrobe is packed, and I barely know what’s in it. So let’s see what’s in my toolbelt, and what kind of sense I can make of it.
-Blue Mage: Lightning Lv.3, Wind Slash Lv.3 (both physical damage). Magic damage +5%, ATB recovery +15%.
-Purple Lightning: Flame Lv.3, Flood Lv.3. Max ATB +75, ATB recovery +25.
-Velvet Bouncer: Blitz Lv. 2, good strength boost (+80 and +10%), the best style ever.
-Soldier of Peace: Shadowbind Lv.3 (makes target unable to move). Physical damage +5%, max ATB +50. Turns Heavy Slash into Artemis’s Arrows, dealing huge damage against staggered targets.
-SOLDIER 1st Class: Heavy Slash Lv.2, phys & mag resist +10%, Slayer (turns heavy slash into more powerful Slayer when enemy is staggered).

-Hunter of the Wild: Heavy Slash Lv. 3, Victor Drain (restores HP on defeating an enemy), boosts maximum ATB.
-Vigilance: Ruinga Lv. 3. Low starting ATB. Huge strength and magic boost. (+200 str/mag)
-Midnight Mauve: Fira Lv. 3.
-Black Mage: Rapid Fire Lv.2, Quick Freeze Lv.2. Magic damage +10%, huge ATB.
-Danse Macabre: Flamespark Lv. 2, Icestorm Lv. 2. Sweet Spot (increased damage when striking a weakness).
-Spira’s Summoner: Elementa Lv.Star (magic damage to target and nearby foes, all elements).

-Hidden Justice: Flamespark, +250 mag.
-Witching Hour: Icestorm, +250 mag.
-Shining Prince: Thunder Lv.2, Fire Lv.2, critical regen.
-Utsusemi: Aero Lv.2, Blizzard Lv.2, critical regen.
-Cosmocrator: Cosmic Arts (repeat attacks with a final Ruinga). Try it out at least.
-Paladin: Heavy Guard Lv.3, magic resist +10%, status resist +20%.
-Dust and Shadow: Guard Lv.2, Status Resist +33%
-Sacred Knight: Defensive Strike Lv.3 (deals damage while protecting against attacks),
-Guardian Corps/Knight of Etro: Blank slate.
-Sphere Hunter: Crashing Waves (launches target and nearby foes into the air and attacks repeatedly).

-Tomb Raider: Fatal Sweep Lv.3. Extends stagger but looks tough to use? Idk, will try it.

-Celestial Body: Cross Blitz (repeat ruins with a final physical burst). Try it out at least.
-Passion Rouge: Deprotect Lv.2, Deshell Lv.2, Status Resist +33%
-Cyber Jumpsuit: Dispel Lv. 2, Phys Resist & Mag Resist +15%, strength +80.
-Dragoon: Lancet Lv.3 (drains some HP)

MAGIC+ LV.2, MAG +80, MAG +10%
-Ignition: Fire
-Watery Chorus: Blizzard
-Electronica: Thunder
-Woodland Walker: Aero
Probably Not, But Maybe…
-Red Mage: Light Slash Lv.2, Buster Ruin Lv.2, magic and physical damage +8%. Good, just not sure when I’d want to use it over other options.
-Amazon Knight: Guard Lv. 2, Speed Slash Lv.2, max HP +5%, physical damage +10%.
-White Mage: Quick Ruin Lv.2, Dispel Lv.2, magic damage +10%.
Into the TRASH with you!
Equilibrium, Dark Muse, Vengeance, Dragon’s Blood, Primavera, Cold Rebellion, L’ange Noir, Mist Wizard, Providence, Quiet Guardian, Shogun, Dark Samurai, Shohei Savior, Art of War, Flower of Battle, Moogle Queen, Nocturne, Shadow Trooper.

Lightning, Queen of the Moogles.
-Flesh Render: 900/900, auto-regen first 15 seconds of the fight.

From the last behemoth.
-Bonecracker: 550/550, deprotect chaser (makes physical attacks stronger against debuffed enemies, and makes Ruin more effective against deshell).
-Salvation: 480/480/5
-Demon’s Mace: 380/320, hard hitter (slightly increases the chance of enemy recoiling).
-Battleaxe of the Believer: 260/260, stagger power +12%, Brave Thief (Heavy Slash steals bravery, faith, or haste)
-Death Herald: 260/360, hp +1000, revenge guard (automatically counters with a physical attack when guarding for a while)
-Jikishinkage: 240/200/5, increases damage for attacks that hit multiple enemies by 20%.
-Succubus Claw: 240/650
Not Bad…
-Buster Sword: 360/0, stagger power +12%.

-Survivor’s Axe: 300/150, increases damage dealt when HP is <50% and also <15%. I think this is when MY HP is low, but the wording is kind of vague.
-Cloud Veil: 280/140/5, combo finale damage +15%
-Excalibur: 280/280, restores 1% HP with each perfect timing attack. Low stats, but this could add up.

-Overture: 280/280, max hp +500, Arsenal of One (slightly increases damage done by Army of One).
[Later edit: I had no idea how to use Army of One at the time I first wrote this, but just now got it on Day 8.]
-Shadow Hunter: 270/270, stagger power +5%, transforms Beat Down’s finishing move into Jump.
-Heavenly Fan: 180/250, stagger power -25%, Sweet Spot
-Femme Fatale: 90/220, status damage +50%, status duration +20%.
WTF Are These Weapons??
I’ll almost certainly never use them, but they’re so weird that I couldn’t bear categorizing them as trash.
-Crocea Mors: 800/800, stagger power -75%, max HP -95%, strength – 35%.
-Gagnrad: 500/500, stagger power -90%, ATB speed +25, strength -50%.
Into the TRASH with you!
Crimson Blitz, Liberator, Macuahuitl, Cruel Grace, Liberator, Thirteen Nights, Blazefire Saber, Treasure Hold, Rising Sun, Scramasax, Crimson Blitz, Summoner’s Staff, Mog’s Staff, Devil’s Daughter
SHIELD (Max HP/Speed/Guard Defense)
-Dame du Lac: 5000/-15/50, slight protection against recoil
-Renegade: 500/10/220
-Guardian Corps Shield: 1000/15/0, damage resistance when guarding +15%
-Summoner’s Shield: 1500/0/0, magic +200, Song of Prayer (protect and shell when guarding against enemy attacks for a certain length)
-Guardian’s Protector: 1500/0/0, strength +200, Blitz Ace (brave and faith when guarding against enemy attacks for a certain length)
-Aegis Shield: 0/30/150, perfect guards restore 1% HP
Second Tier
-SOLDIER’s Band: 2000/0/0
-Juno Sospita: 900/0/70
-Pendragon: 3000/-15/30, slight protection against recoil
-Goddess’s Grace: 0/0/100, strength and magic +100
-Thunderstruck: 800/10/30, status resistance +25%
-Final Border: 800/10/30, magic damage resistance +20%
-Nightwalker: 800/10/30, physical damage resistance +20%
Into the TRASH with you!
Night Lotus, Double Cross, Fealty, Kaminari, Warning Sign, Rasa, Abyss Gate, Mog’s Shield, Pendragon, Infidel, Riot Shield
-Soul of Thamasa: Multicast (increases number of magic combo finales), max hp -66%.
-Locket Pendant: increases the number of physical combo finishers, max hp -66%.
-Warrior Hunter’s Mask: strength +15%, can cause Heavy Slash to steal bravery, faith, or haste.
-Crippling Hood: magic resist +15%, can cause Heavy Slash to steal protect, shell, or vigilance.
-Ghostly Hood: resist physical damage +75%, strength and magic -100%.
-Preta Hood: resist magic damage +75%, strength and magic -100%
-Satin Scrunchie: status ailments resistance +50%
-Flame/Frost/Storm/Sparkbane Chokers: +50% against their elements
-Spark/Stormseal Jewels: resist lightning/wind damage +90%, resist physical and magic damage -100%.
-Tri-Point Coronet: element resistance +33%.
It’s Okay I Guess…
-Wild Crest: strength and hp +10%
-Devil Crest: magic and hp +10%
-Guard’s Cravat: resist physical damage +20%
-Mage’s Turban, Spiritual Veil: resist magic damage +20%
-Fencer’s Earrings: Sworn to the Sword (restores 2 ATB to standby schemata when you deal physical damage), reduces magic resistance by 100%. Nice against a purely physical enemy, but idk how many there are. Mostly keeping it because it reminds me of that great Steven Universe episode.
-Witch’s Rosary: See above, but for magic compared to physical.
-Skeleton’s Earrings: status ailment damage +100%
-Swift Ornament: Increases number of combo hits before combo finale, stagger capability -30%.
-Toasty Shawl: When you deal a physical attack after a magic attack, imbues that physical attack with the elemental attribute of the magic attack. ATB recovery +5%.
-Thunderbird Bracelet: auto enthunder for first 60 seconds
-Sniper’s Gloves: increases damage dealt to enemies when they’re beyond a certain range
-Flame/Spark/Stormward Bangle: +25% against their elements.
-Tenacious Ring: strengthens defense when HP <50%
-Thorns rings (5% damage at start for a buff): bravery, faith, protect, shell, vigilance/veil, haste.
-100% status resist rings for: Debrave, defaith, deprotect, deshell, slow, poison, imperil, curse, pain, fog, daze.
ACCESSORIES: Into the TRASH with you!
Zirconia Brooch, Corundum Pin, Silver Barrette, Silk Scarf, Twist Headband, Corsair Scarf, Promised Necklace, Sparrow Comb, Angel’s Headband, Cruel Headband, Guard Glove, Runic Ring, Healer’s Lore, Collector’s Catalog, Beggar’s Beads, Dawn Gauntlets, Magician’s Token, Imp Crest, Wolf’s Emblem, Fighter’s Emblem, Soldier’s Tie
Next time: Continuing my push for the final day. It’s been taking a while with some grindy side quests, but should be there soon.