Monday, December 28, 2020

FFVIIR - Part 71: Mayor is the Best! [Mostly Unspoiled]

Summary: Deeper into Shinra HQ. The delightful Mayor Domino and the terrifying Hojo. VR arena.

NOTE: My first run of this session didn't record. This video is my replay of the session with comments, but not an unspoiled session. I apologize.




  1. The Mayor of Midgar is named Domino. Barret calls Midgar a pizza. I believe there's also a guy named Hut that works for Domino.

    Make of that what you will!

    1. oh my god, i don't know what to make of this but i love it


If you're commenting on the Final Fantasy playthrough, DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SPOILERS. This includes any hints or references or teasers for content beyond where I have played. Thank you.