Summary: A Gridanian scholar helps the sylphs save their messiah from Ramuh’s clutches.
Intro Quests
There were apparently two introductory sylph quests I did, though it’s hard to pick them out from my notes from years ago.
The gist is that a scholar named Voyce, in conjunction with Sylph Elder Friixio, is investigating the legend of a Chosen One sylph who changes their tribe’s fate every millennium.
Pilfered Podlings
-Interesting! Sylphs are born as bulbs, like plantlife. They have to be incubated within a “podling” and eventually become a full sylph.
I go rescue a protected podling from the malicious sylphs. I really, really hope we didn’t just kidnap a random baby.
The quest itself feels super dated, even though it was from probably 6 years ago. It’s a stealth quest where I have to sneak in and bring back the podling without getting seen or hit.

[Later edit: This quest type was intensely annoying until I just did the quests on my level 80. The level 50 enemies just left me alone then.]
-Elder Frixio is pumped.

They’re SO CUTE.
The Chosen One will presumably have legendary power.
Idle Hands
-lol, they sylphs are annoyed with Voyce. They refer to him as “The Bumbling One.” it me
-He’s not the only bumbling one. Some villainous sylph disguised themselves as me, Ququshu, and stole away the Chosen One podling. A Ramuh fanatic named Diluxio.

-I love Diluxio’s evil leaf mask.
Feathers and Folly
-The Chosen One will sprout soon, and the first face it sees will get imprinted as its strongest influence. We’re on the clock.
-Voyce wants to atone for his bumbling jackassery, but the sylphs just want him to sit this out.

OLMIXIO: “This one [me]… has no words.”
-And so, Voyce – ahem, “Voco” – and I charge into the forest to rescue the Chosen One.
-…oh god. Is Voco going to be the first face the Chosen One sees? [Later edit: Thankfully, no.]
-GO VOCO! He manages to distract the Ramuhites long enough to help us bring the podling back to our sylph friends.
-The Chosen One emerges. A new era of peace as it joins Elder Frixio and the rest here.
I love the visuals of this, how the Chosen One is wreathed in dark purple light.
And… that’s it? That surprised me. This was my first A Realm Reborn beast tribe quest. I don’t dislike it; I’m totally fine with a short and fun little story! Especially when there are so many of these ARR beast tribes.
The Sylphs themselves are adorable. I love their grammatical constructs (“this one”). They strike me as a more muted version of Shadowbringers’ pixies. Super cool to spend time with them and get this extra story arc.
Random Stuff Around Eorzea
-My happy new goobue mount:
-My terrifying new sylph Teletubby minion:
-A couple of styles from my friend Cat:
-Some great names I saw recently:
Cosmic Disco
Rummy Disco
Unattended Toddler (a lalafel)
L’ucky Cat
Snack Drawer
Mei May
Toot Sootsniffer
Tickle Time.
Next time: Continuing to work on white mage, which is currently at 58, but more immediately is 5.4 that drops this week!

-The Chosen One emerges. A new era of peace as it joins Elder Frixio and the rest here.

I love the visuals of this, how the Chosen One is wreathed in dark purple light.
And… that’s it? That surprised me. This was my first A Realm Reborn beast tribe quest. I don’t dislike it; I’m totally fine with a short and fun little story! Especially when there are so many of these ARR beast tribes.
The Sylphs themselves are adorable. I love their grammatical constructs (“this one”). They strike me as a more muted version of Shadowbringers’ pixies. Super cool to spend time with them and get this extra story arc.
Random Stuff Around Eorzea
-My happy new goobue mount:

-My terrifying new sylph Teletubby minion:

-A couple of styles from my friend Cat:

-Some great names I saw recently:
Cosmic Disco
Rummy Disco
Unattended Toddler (a lalafel)
L’ucky Cat
Snack Drawer
Mei May
Toot Sootsniffer

Tickle Time.
Next time: Continuing to work on white mage, which is currently at 58, but more immediately is 5.4 that drops this week!