Wednesday, February 25, 2015

FFVII – Part 15: Starin’ Through My Rear View

Summary: Cloud beats back Rufus, while Aeris, Barret, and Red fight off Shinra’s robots. The party dramatically escapes the Shinra building on wheels. We fight off Shinra’s motorcycle guards and robots, and leave Midgar behind for now.

Shinra Building - 69th Floor

-Our party now is Red, Aeris, and Barret trying to escape.


Hundred Gunner.

-Multiphase fight, and because it’s in an elevator across a divide, I can’t melee it. Only magic and Barret’s guns. Glad I adjusted my materia before this fight.

-I thought we were out of the woods, but then another boss came, Heli-Gunner. Another multi-phase fight, but we get it.


Shinra Building – Rooftop

-The scene switches to Cloud and Rufus.

-Dammit!! I forget which button is which, and accidentally skip past the stage where I could’ve given Cloud materia. He’s got no materia on. Grrrrr.

-Rufus confirms that Sephiroth is an Ancient. So much for Aeris being the last. Maybe they’re like brother and sister.

Cloud vs. Rufus.

-Cloud’s sword vs Rufus’s dog and shotgun (!). I kill the dog first (SORRY PUPPY), then slowly slice through Rufus. He escapes. Cloud leaves the roof to meet Tifa.


Shinra Building – Lobby

-Aeris, Barret and Red reach the exit, but it’s surrounded.

-Barret and Aeris are kind of awesome together. Each feels responsible for the other being there, and each accepts the other’s help.

AERIS: “Thank you, Mr. Barret!”
BARRET: “Who you calling ‘Mr. Barret’? That don’t sound right.”

-Red just wants to gtfo though lol. Barret says Red reminds him of Cloud. “You’re cold, man. Just like someone else ‘round here I know.”

-Tifa and Cloud catch up. CLOUD’S ON A MOTORCYCLE. And we get a badass escape cinematic.


Escape from the Shinra Building

-Oh no. Oh no. It’s a flee-from-pursuit minigame. This is gonna be awkward on keyboard. To fire left, I use backslash, and to fire right, I use “x.” Ugh.

-Wonderful music though, so idec. I’ll use Cloud, Barret, and Aeris.

-Made it. Super, super awkward controls.

-Now a more normal boss fight against Motor Ball, a giant armored battle bot thing. Back attack.

Motor Ball.

-I’m confused again about materia. Barret has Restore and All linked for materia. Early in this fight, he was able to use Cure on all party members, but now he can only do it individually. WTF. We get close to death, but Aeris gives us an on-the-money Healing Wind limit ability. Victory!

-So… what now? Cloud has to “settle the score” with Sephiroth. For… reasons to be explained later I guess. Barret’s in, because this’ll help save the Planet.

Aeris is in because “there are things I need to know… many things.” Tifa is in because why not, and Red is probably still on board.

TIFA: “Goodbye, Midgar.” Whoa. I didn’t even think we’d be leaving the city. I kind of just assumed the game would be purely urban. Cool.

-Ah, Red will go with us as far as his hometown.

-Very pretty “leaving the city behind” music.

-Barret says they need a leader for the journey and volunteers. Aeris votes for Cloud. I think Barret would be an awesome leader; not sure why Cloud gets to be it, but whatever.

-Next stop is a town to the northeast called Kalm.

-Party split time. In combat, I kind of like the three-member system, but it does make for more splitting than we’d have otherwise. Makes for some interesting dynamics. How do I want to split things? Hm…

-Let’s have Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. The Sector 7 group. Aeris and Red can do their thing. (I just really like TIfa. Her personality, her style, and especially the look of her limit attacks.)

See ya, Midgar.


Next time: Towards Kalm.