Thursday, November 12, 2020

FFXIV – Part 222: Thaumaturgical Welcome [Black Mage 80]

Summary: A short session. Lalai finds her place in Ul’dah. A collection of fun screenshots around Eorzea.


A Home for a Tome [Black Mage 80]

-I last played my black mage over a year ago, back in part 152:

Diving back into it was intimidating. Thank you all for your advice! As Azcr said, it ended up having a set rotation that ends up being susceptible to disruption.

I ended up enjoying it! I like red mage more for its rotation, tools, sustainability, and ability to resurrect, but black mage is right up there. Perhaps my second favorite job to play.

-Back on the Source, I meet up with Lalai. She’s still worried about how to best preserve Shatotto’s knowledge when it’s so frowned upon.

-Aw, Lalai is still in touch with the white mage frenemy! More of a bestie at this point.

-We approach the thaumaturges about putting down Lalai’s/Shatotto’s notes for their library. Their hesitant – this whole black magic thing – is kinda forbidden – but we can take it to Dewlalla, their head.

-There are already hints that Lalai’s aether is weird. Are we gonna get Shatotto popping in again?

-Yikes. Nothing so fun. She collapses; seems like Shatotto’s visit disrupted her aether in a major way.
Thank goodness she has a healer bestie to help her through this time.

-Our argument at the hearing is simple, but not easy: we should be able to keep pursuing dangerous knowledge to learn from it.

Prioress Dewlala in the greatest judicial costume ever.

-Success! And more personally, Lalai finds some acceptance and a new place as a black mage within the thaumaturge’s guild. It’s like legalizing and taxing certain drugs rather than just outlawing them!


Ququshu in her level 80 black mage gear.

Random Stuff Around Eorzea

I saw these two characters briefly for this one screenshot and immediately ship them:

A woman in a dress riding a tiger:


This dark knight standing here looks like the Shadowbringers WoL:


Family portrait?

Catching the Halloween spirit:

A serious beachgoer:

I got some chocobo garb that makes my buddy look like a tiger:

Recently completed my upgraded red mage relic weapon in the Bozjan Southern Front:

Some great player names I saw recently:

Gabrielle Deschain
Rolland Allgood
Dorphus Beansloober
Peanutbutter Cup
Natureboy Ricflair
Doctor Seksy
Sir M’yowm’yow
Angry Napkins
Val Royeaux


Next time: The next couple of things I plan to work on are my white mage (currently 35) and the sylph beast tribe storyline from A Realm Reborn. At least, until 5.4 drops.