Monday, February 22, 2021

FF Type-0 – Part 5: School Departments [Unspoiled]

Summary: Special Orders introduced. Exploring the sorcery room, armory, chocobo stables, and terrace.





Five Thoughts


-O’bane in the Chocobo Ranch just randomly gave me like 20 chocobos. THANKS I GUESS?? It feels like a big responsibility to just foist off onto me.


-Even though we didn’t start the game playing as them, Machina and Rem definitely feel like protags.


-The character design of the moogles in this game are so fantastic. They all look unique and bizarre.


-It’s going to take me a long time to keep these Class Zero characters separate in my mind. There’s just so many of them! I don’t know if I’m supposed to look at them as main characters or random cannon fodder.


-Not just that, but the quantity of them makes me almost afraid to dive into the upgrade system. I don’t really know what I’m going for yet, so I’ll take it as it comes and just upgrade a few at a time.