Tuesday, September 19, 2017

FFXIV – Part 23: We Are the Crystal Braves

Summary: Eorzean cosmology. The founding of the Crystal Braves. Problems in Ishgarde.

Countering the Ascians

-Urianger has an idea. We know the Ascians are immortal being. And we saw the Sahagin elder undergo an ascension to immortality before Leviathan devoured him.

-First, he gives us some background on the concept of aetheric fluw and the cosmology of FFXIV.

When we die, our spirits dissolve into the flow of the aether and return to the aetherial realm. That energy eventually flows back into our realm as new life. A sort of recycling.

Primals are different. They consume crystals to take form. Their flesh is aether given shape. When they die, their essence returns to the aetherial realm and the crystal energy returns to the land.

-The Ascians are different from both primals and mortals. When they “die,” their spirit retains its form and finds a new nearby host. However, if one dies without a suitable nearby host, it goes instead to some in-between place.

-The Ascians took control of Thancred using a Crystal of Darkness, an artifact that may serve as a gateway to that “shore of the aetherial sea,” the space between worlds.

[Later edit: I... sort of get this? But not really. It’s a pretty big exposition dump lol.]

-So here’s the plan: what if we could trap the spirit of a defeated Ascian before it returns to that in-between realm? Then we can imprison it forever.

-This is all theoretical right now. We don’t have a way to trap an Ascian. Urianger will research it.


The Void

-Scene change. Ascian HQ in the void. It looks SO COOL!!!

-They discuss how Ramuh and Leviathan were both returned to the aether. I keep stomping them.

ELIDIBUS: “Yet she prospers at great cost to her mistress… whose strength is all too finite.” So something about my victories drains Hydaelyn.

-The Ascians’ core plan centers on driving Eorzeans to keep summoning deities.

LAHABREA: “That which was shattered shall be made anew… and the one true god shall come again.” Something about these constant summonings prepares the way for their god, Zodiark.


Founding a Company

-But that’s for later. What comes next is an unexpected joy of a side-quest: the adorable Scion HQ secretary, Tataru, has determined to raise funds for the guild by becoming a miner.


-There’s an ongoing subplot in the new Scion home where Doman refugee kids have seen all the primals I’ve helped take out and look up to me.

Some games have trouble navigating the role of the player once they reach a certain level. They either pretend the player is an untouchable god or ignore all the stuff they’ve done. XIV does a good job navigating this.

-I remind him Alphinaud of his grandfather, Louisioux. The man who sacrificed himself to help save Eorzea from Bahamut.

-All this inspires a new plan in Alphinaud: a “realm-wide Grand Company.” A military institution drawing from all the land against threats no single nation could fight.

-The quest that follows is fascinating. I travel among the cities to recruit members for this new Grand Company. I’ve met many of these recruits before.

Take Laurentius. A while back, I discovered he was a traitor within the Gridanian guard. He regretted everything. Now, he seeks redemption. That storyline pays off now as He joins this Grand Company.

Ursandel is another recruit. He played a role in a questline around Haukke Manor, and now seeks redemption as well through this Grand Company.

-We’re ready to begin this new venture.


The Sultana and the General

-Scene change. The Sultana and Flame General Raubahn watch our young company depart by airship.

-She’s hopeful that this new united organization will be strong – but will it be good? Controlled?

Fair point. This is a lot of concentrated power.

-She’s mainly concerned about Teledji. She and Raubahn don’t have enough evidence to convict him.

-More than concerned. The Sultana is FURIOUS. The angriest tomato. Enraged at how weak her government feels right now. Maybe a viewing of the West Wing episode “Posse Comitatus” would help.

-SHE RUNS UP AND HUGS RAUBAHN FOR COMFORT! And it’s not immediate. She fights back tears. Tries to stay regal and dignified for a good number of seconds. But the frustration overwhelms her in the end.

This is a huge moment. She and Raubahn always have a formal, eminently respectful relationship. To stick with the West Wing analogy, she’s like Bartlet to his Leo. He’s surprised, then returns the hug warmly.

RAUBAHN: “Have faith, Your Grace. It is not over.”

I love these two.


Lady Iceheart

-Back to Scion HQ. Scion supplies have been hijacked recently by a group of “heretics.” Dragon-worshippers who defected from Ishgarde.

-I check in with our Ishgardian allies in Coerthas. Ishgarde seems directly modeled on FFXI’s Kingdom of San d’Oria: noble, martial, medieval-themed, and Elvaan/Elezen.

-The Heretics have grown more powerful of late. They have a near leader going by the nickname “Lady Iceheart.”

-I head into the wild to search for her and see her from a distance. Her character looks badass.

-No real closure here for the moment. This plotline will bubble beneath the surface a bit longer.


The Crystal Braves

-Our new company is ready to roll, new uniforms and all. Inauguration ceremony time!

-The new company’s name is the Crystal Braves. I can hear the theme song now:

“We are the Crystal Braves!
We’ll always save the day!
And if you think we can’t,
We’ll always find a way!
That’s why the people of Eorzea believe in…
Ququshu, Alphinau, and Minfilia!
(And Tataru!)”

-So now the Scions have some more muscle in our organization.

-Minfilia gets a call. The Isle of Val has been destroyed, but Minfilia’s friend Krile (eeeeee!!!!) lives. Wounded, but alive. I wonder if “Val” is a reference to “Bal” from FFV, Krile’s home.

-The aetheric disturbance that accompanied Val’s destruction is similar to Ultima’s blast.

-More concerning yet is that Hydaelyn hasn’t spoken since the fight against the Garlean Empire. Perhaps the Ascians are right, and she’s been drained somehow.


Trouble in Ishgarde

-Scene change. A huge citadel from afar, somewhere I haven’t seen.

-We see a pope-looking dude inside that citadel. This must be the Ishgardian religious leader. He presides over a huge army of soldiers.


This is our first real look at Ishgarde. We already know that they’re hardcore religious, inquisitions and Templars and the like. If that power is being directed by the Ascians, yikes.


Next time: Continuign to investigate the Ascians, Ishgarde, and the Heretics.