Tuesday, April 14, 2020

FFXV – Part 20: Brotherhood

Summary: Sailing to Altissia, and watching the FFXV Brotherhood anime.

TW: weight loss


Brave New World (chapter 8)

-Before departure, Umbra brings Noctis a message: “Waiting for you in Altissia.” Omw.

-Cor’s here to see us off. Apologizes for not being there for Regis. Was he in “Kingsglaive?”

-Cid’s parting words urge Noctis to trust in his party. “Those ain’t your bodyguards. They’re your brothers. Trust in ‘em. Always.” Solid advice, given the relationship among this group.

-There’s a Cosmogony book here. It speaks of a “a dread Plague” the divine fights against. It seems to be the main thing the line of Lucis exists to fight, but it honestly feels weird just how little we’ve seen of this plague/darkness/etc so far into the game.

-Off we go, with Iris and the kid whose name I can never remember waving goodbye. End of chapter.


Altissia, City on the Sea (chapter 9)

-Chapter 9 is titled “Callings.” The summary reminds me that Noctis is here seeking the blessings of the Hydraean (Leviathan I think) and to see Lunafreya.

-Ravus and Ardyn wait in Altissia. They’re here for the Hydraean too.

-Ardyn mentions how tough it must be for Ravus as an outsider to lead the Imperial army. The movie definitely made Ravus more interesting in this way. Shades of one of XII’s judges. Gabranth, I think.

-We switch to our party’s boat.

GLADIO: “Without the ring, the Crystal’s no more than a rock.” So they work together. Was the Crystal that giant thing in the center of Insomnia in “Kingsglaive” that powered the New Wall?

-The group also mentions that Ravus’ new arm has to do with his newfound influence in the Empire. Gives him intense strength.

-I still wonder whether Ardyn is serving the Emperor or running his own game. I’d bet the latter.

-Cid has been to Altissia only once, but stayed a long time. We’ll contact his old companion, Weskhar.

-We finally pick up a radio signal. The Empire is publicly awakening Leviathan, and Lunafreya will even give a speech. That kinda shocks me? I thought she’d be underground, not in public.

-lolol this is AMAZING! It’s like we’re on a raised water road, boating into this elaborate city. Initial impression is that it seems based on Venice.

-There is some bureaucracy first. Using Cid’s old entry permit then bribing our way in. Gives the city a grounded, organized feel, but nothing unreasonable.

Aaaaand now I can save! That means, according to my friend’s guide, it’s time to check out the anime.


FFXV Brotherhood: Episode 1 – Before the Storm

-A lamia is the creature that injured li’l Noctis!

-I like getting to see Regis use the armigers.

-lolol noctis picking the vegetables off his burger, same

-This opening does a great job of capturing the rhythm and feel of XV’s early chapters. The diner, the random magitek soldiers, the camping, the casual friendship and teasing.

-I was curious how they’d get around the logistics of illustrating all their weapons. I like the Gordian knot method of summoning them be a magic power.

-The magitek soldiers in the fight feel so unintimidating. Slow cannon fodder who mostly just stand around watching their mates get their asses handed to them in bunches.

-Oh shit, they have a lamia! And it’s the specific lamia that nearly killed kid!Noctis.


FFXV Brotherhood: Episode 2 – Dogged Runner

-That funky music!


-Is that li’l Prompto with glasses?? He’s adorable! Must’ve outgrown the glasses.

-Heee, his home has a fax machine.

-Seems like kind of a lonely life. And he used to be so chill, so restrained compared to now.

-these scenes with the puppy are BEYOND PRECIOUS


-Oh shit, it was Pryna! That other dog of Luna’s.

-Where’s Prompto’s family? His home looks nice, well-kept.

-Luna looks so much older than Noctis here.

-oh good lord, there’s gonna be a weight loss plot, isn’t there. *sighs in advance*

-yup, here it comes. The crucial lesson that only after dropping the weight can he be worthy/confident enough to become friends with Noctis I guess.

(The worst part here is that I KNOW this type of thing is fatphobic and toxic, and yet it’s still incredibly effective on me as a transformation fantasy.)


FFXV Brotherhood: Episode 3 – Sword and Shield

-Stariting out with a Garula fight. Lolol, I like how they capture that “dammit, really? Now?” feeling from the game when you’re fighting an enemy and the Empire drops down to join the fray.

-Flashback now to someone training young Noctis… wait, that’s Gladio? He’s so much older than Noctis!

[Later edit: I know I said this about Luna, Gladio, and Ignis. I vaguely remember reading their ages in XV’s datalog, but I think they just come across so much as peers in the XV game that it shocked me to see the differences which were naturally more pronounced like 8 years back.]


-Really nice job in this episode showing why Gladio would feel frustrated and see Noctis as stuck-up, or at least unengaged.

-holy shit gladiolus, handstand pushups?? I didn’t even know that was a thing.

-It’s kind of awesome how seeing Noctis’ actions here are the thing that shows Gladiolus there’s more to him.

-I don’t think I knew that Gladiolus was so much older than Noctis.

-The pretty little piano melody playing here fits well.

-I’m really enjoying these lookbacks! This was my favorite so far.


FFXV Brotherhood: Episode 4 – Bittersweet Memories

-Very cool to see Lestallum in anime form.

-Hee, Prompto not having any sort of game is canon even in the anime.

-Makes total sense that young Ignis was a baker even from a young age. Didn’t do it for himself, but rather for… who, Noctis?

Lolol “Your Highness, please ban exams!”

-Dang, Ignis has the patience of a saint to clean and cook and all this for Noctis.

-I’m used to seeing the other party members are Noctis’ friends, but this series has shown Gladiolus and Ignis on a whole new level. More like parental figures.

-Also great is how it shows Noctis here. A really interesting mix of someone who is spoiled, young, and really trying to do well.


FFXV Brotherhood: Episode 5 – The Warmth of Light

-Back to the lamia fight. Briefly, anyway. I’d just assumed it was a random daemon, but it seems like a legendary one that even Regis couldn’t finish off.

-Flashback to the earlier attack, when Regis fended it off with that armiger strike. That attack looks exhausting.

-Why is he so set on fighting this daemon? To prove he’s ready to step into his father’s role?

-After a brief defeat, he goes super Saiyan. Phasing, deflecting, and then attacking with the full party.

-I like the way they show the combo strike. A gruesome death for the lamia.

-Ah… this whole thing was a way not so much to prove he’s ready for the king’s role, but rather to deal with his father’s death. A way to engage with his father once more time.


FFXV Brotherhood: “Episode 6 Preview?”

Didn’t find a full episode 6, just this preview video on an unofficial channel.

[Later edit: My friend Almaeron told me later that this “preview” was a collection of brief afterwards from prior episodes that showed Luna.]

We see Luna as an adult, looking back on her journal of messages with Noct. The two puppers playing.

-Flashback to when she was young. Her first meeting with Noctis.

-Flash forward to what we saw at the start of “Kingsglaive,” as Luna stayed behind with the Empire while Regis and Noctis fled.

-And then we see Noctis sailing to Altissia. That’s where we’ll pick up next time in game.


That was great! Just an overall solid series that fleshed out its characters well. Wish there were more Luna, and still didn’t like the Prompto ending, but I especially loved what it showed about Ignis and Gladio.


Next time: rejoining the party in Altissia. The next break I have will be after chapter 11 when I’m supposed to play the Prompto DLC.