Friday, March 25, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Project Redux: Day 11/33

Project Redux is my attempt to get back on track by copying my eating and exercise from five successful weeks in late 2015.

Today, copying Day 118.  Tomorrow will be Day 119.


Weight: 244.4 (-7.6 lbs from start of project)



  • 16 oz. skim hot chocolate. (270 cal)
  • Chipotle burrito bowl with white rice, vegetables, chicken, mild salsa, cheese, guacamole. (880 cal)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • Pretzels. (120 cal)
  • Cream of mushroom soup with crackers. (360 cal) 
  • Chocolate frozen yogurt with some crackers. (300 cal) [I used up the last of my frozen yogurt, so supplemented a smaller amount with some crackers.  Crumbled them into the fro yo. It was awesome. :D]
Total calories: 2,110


Exercise: None.