Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - Project Redux: Day 2/33

Project Redux is my attempt to get back on track by copying my eating and exercise from five successful weeks in late 2015.

Today, copying Day 74.  Tomorrow will be Day 75.

Weight: 250.8 (-1.2 lbs from start of project)


  • Two egg omelet with slice of American cheese. (350 cal)
  • Salted nut roll. (240 cal)
  • 6" wheat sub with meatball, lettuce, cucumber, black olive, cheddar. Chips. (790 cal)
  • Pretzels. (310 cal) 
  • Ramen soup. (380 cal)
  • Grilled cheese. (330 cal)
Total calories: 2,400



Walked about a mile, but didn't time it.