Monday, January 1, 2018

FFT War of the Lions – Part 13: Shifting Identities

Summary: The “Princess” at the Gallows. Ovelia’s identity. A new faction. Wiegraf’s next steps.

Golgollada Gallows

-The gallows’ name reminds me of Golgotha.

-I thought the princess’ execution would be a trick of some sort, but they’re actually about to hang her.

HANGMAN: “Ha ha ha! And the trap is sprung!” lol never mind.

-The “hangman” is Gaffgarion, and Princess Ovelia is a Gryphon Knight in disguise. A ton of reinforcements arrive

-Interestingly, Gaffgarion still paints Dycedaarg’s deeds as… well, not as “good,” but as right. He’s upholding “the duties of his station.”

-He goes even farther. Somehow, he thinks Dycedaarg is trying to “carve out the rot of [Ivalice’s] decay.” HOW?? If he is, then join team Delita! All I see from my vantage point is him reinforcing the existing systems.

-There are a few ways to approach this battle. My main question: do I go straight for Gaffgarion? Hm. Let’s try it and see how it goes.

-God, there’s just SO MANY of them!

-Going after Gaffgarion was the right move. He retreated at low health.

-lol I love when the AI fucks up. One of the enemy archers started using Aim 3, then the enemy knight jumped into the line of fire and took the hit. Thanks, buddy!

-There are no summoners or black mages, so my main strategy in this kind of fight is to group up in a corner and pick off what they give me.

-Really liking Geomancer on Ramza. It pairs well with his monk skills. When he closes distance he’s brutal, but Geomancer lets him control the field from a distance well. Like, right now I don’t want to overextend into enemy lines, so he’s able to Sleep certain enemies from afar.

-Time mages just aren’t as scary as I had thought. At least, with their current support.



The Cardinal’s Dungeon

-Cutscene between Delita and Ovelia. She’s in a… dungeon?


Oh, no. Never mind. I think that’s just the princess speculating.

-Delita intends “to put [Princess Ovelia] where [she] truly ought to be.” I’m guessing that while that sounds sinister, he thinks she’s supposed to be queen. Someone who’s not tied to the noble past but has some authority many will respect.

-Some knights come in, clad in purple.

AH SHIT I WAS WRONG AGAIN. The Cardinal is here.

-See, the thing is, I STILL don’t believe that Delita is with the Cardinal. I think this is a red herring, and that he’s a triple agent working for some other group, only pretending to work for the Cardinal.

-Cardinal Delacroix is such a dickasaurus rex.

-The knight is Lord Folmarv.

-They drop a truth bomb on her – that she’s not actually Ovelia Atkascha.

FOLMARV: “The true princess died years ago. You are her double.”

…wow. That’s unexpected. The Council (?) has been clearing the way for her to become queen for a while now. But they didn’t expect Larg to have a new kid, Prince Orinus. Tbh, I don’t remember who that is – I have to check the Personae.

-Lord, this is SO UNCOMFORTABLE. The gist of this situation seems to be that the Cardinal, opposed to Duke Larg, wants “Ovelia” to be queen. Larg wants Orinus to be king and thus wants “Ovelia” to die. But Ovelia’s intentions are to go back to Larg.

-The Cardinal and Lord Folmarv leave. Delita is clearly not enthusiastically with them. He has some other agenda going.



-I’m taking a quick look at the personae. So the two main sides are Duke Large (white lion) and Duke Goltanna (black lion).

-Prince Orinus is the royal heir, but still an infant. Dukes Larg and Goltanna are fighting to see who will govern in his stead.

-Queen Louveria is Duke Larg’s sister, and queen. Not sure who Prince Orinus’s father is. Unless I’m forgetting, I don’t think we’ve really had dealings with Louveria yet. The notes make her sound pretty ruthless.

-Cardinal Delacroix is… oh, right, he’s NOT the pope! He’s only second in command of the Church of Glabados. The High Confessor Marcel is his superior.

-The entry for Folmarv Tengille marks him as part of an unknown faction. That surprises me. It tells me he’s not actually part of the Church of Glabados. But if the Cardinal is working with Folmarv, does that mean the Cardinal isn’t working exclusively for the Church either?


Lenalian Plateau

-Wiegraf, the (former) Corpse Brigade leader, is mourning but determined to get vengeance.

-A knight approaches. Loffrey. Another new player. I feel like I might need one of those Game of Thrones-style family trees.

-Loffrey wants to recruit Wiegraf. His words sound similar to Corpse Brigade philosophy, wanting to overturn the current power systems.

-I trust Loffrey zero percent. Loffrey is in blue, not purple, so I don’t immediately assume he’s with the Delacroix/Delita/Folmarv third faction, but I don’t want to read too much into color.


Wrapping Up

-There’s a new errand available, “The Highwind.” A wrecked off Warjilis Harbor. I send some of my bench crew out on the task.

-Millicent has been my chemist, and her abilities are nearly maxed out. Just needs Remedy. I’m gonna get her working on Orator.

Orator isn’t my favorite job because of how long the percentages are, but I’m SUPER afraid of enemy orators stealing my party members. I want to build her as an orator mostly so that other party members can get orator points and the Earplug ability.


Next time: to Lionel Castle. If the princess is even there, which I’m skeptical about.