Saturday, January 18, 2020

FFXIV – Part 185: Sekka [Blacksmith 60-70]

Summary: A wonderful young blacksmith strives to find a place in her father’s work.


Missive from the East

-Forgemaster Brithael is excited about a potential recruit from the Far East, someone interested in learning more about western techniques.


She’s nearly under arrest. Some dude catcalled her at the pier and she responded with her sword.

FLUSTERED FELLOW: “All I did was shower a pretty girl with complements. That hardly warrants this abuse.” DOESN’T IT THOUGH? Plus, he got handsy.

-I take her back to Brithael. He’s impressed with the katana she forged. Sekka, aspiring Kugane smith.?

SEKKA: “A certain someone has banned me from taking up the hammer at any of the local forges.” A jealous rival perhaps?

-Brithael is (rightly) hesitant because she wants to learn without joining the guild. He’s worried she’ll just take the secrets and leave without giving anything in return.

-So they’ll trade. He’ll teach her western stuff if she teaches him eastern stuff.


The Client is King

-As time passes, Sekka shows trouble fitting in. She picks fights with the other smiths, critiquing their technique repeatedly. And their spirit.

SEKKA: “Everyone is so focused on when their next commission is due that they have lost sight of what’s important. No one here has any passion or desire to improve – they are all dead on the inside.”

She expected the devotion of her homeland, and found a stagnant organization.

-Serving the client effectively does make one better, but she’s not convinced.

-A contest then. The guild has a client. Let’s see who crafts an item they like better. (This feels a bit weird cause I see where she’s coming from.)

-OH HI! The client is Laurisse, the diminutive Ishgardian woman from the 50-60 blacksmith quests. We reforged her family’s blade so she could join win a tournament and become a temple knight.

She lost in the early rounds, but wo a spot as a knight anyway through her courage and ferocity.

-Anyway, she’s here because she wants a sword forged for her companion, Fremondain. He’s an older man who wants a light short sword.

I can already see where this is going. Five bucks says that Sekka crafts a masterwork of a katana that’s absolutely useless to this particular swordsman.

-Yup. She crafts a gorgeous and deadly sword, but it’s waaaaay too heavy for Fremondain.

LAURISSE: “These blades are of comparable quality in durability and sharpness both. If you were to take into account the needs of the wielder, however, Ququshu’s is far superior.”

-Sekka begins to rage… then stops herself. Realizes this chance for growth as an artisan and apologizes. She’ll be fine.


Blood Ties

-Brithael receives a request from a Kugane resident named Shinto. He asked that we craft him our best sword, but without mentioning any of this to Sekka.

NO. DO NOT TAKE THIS. This must be the guy who shut her out from Kugane’s smithies.

-An order’s an order. I meet Shinto at the docks. He gives me a chunk of rusted iron, wants me to forge it into a heavy uchigatana.

I really, really want to tell this guy to fuck off.

-Wow. I bring the metal to Sekka and have a choice. Keep the client’s identity a secret or not?

Y’know what? Screw the client in this case. The client’s needs are important for the weapon, and maybe this is someone Sekka wronged in the past, but I do not trust him.

SEKKA: “An elderly man from Hingashi? No, it cannot be…”

-I craft a heavy, rough katana – not bad, considering the shit material. Shinto is satisfied.

-He shows himself at the guild. Introduces himself as the master of Kugane’s largest swordsmith forge.

SEKKA: “F-Father!? Wh-What are you doing here?”

SHINTO: “I am here to take you home. Time and time again, I have told you that you will never be good enough to become my apprentice. Sekka, you must clear your head of these foolish notions. We will be going now. You have caused these people and me enough trouble as it is.”



Well GUESS WHAT jerkface: I used only half the iron. I’ll bet my last dollar that Sekka made a version of her own with her half of the metal lump.

-Forgemaster Brithael – good guy Brithael – comes to her defense. He even berates Shinto for what bothered me so much, that he used me to make his point.

I really like Brithael. He’s such a sweet, kind dude.

-Shinto hears this, and responds by calmly threatening to disown his daughter. Screw this guy.

-He leaves (finally). Brithael’s determined to help Sekka.


The Missing Piece

-Sekka’s not perfect, but she’s not nearly as bad as Shinto thinks. Brithael thinks the dad must know that and have some ulterior motive. I DON’T CARE. But let’s see.

-All Shinto says is that she “lacks something more fundamental than skill.” Whatever.

-Brithael thinks he’s referring to her dexterity. Maybe some new tools will help. I’ll craft some.

-oooooh it sounds like Sekka has a bit of a crush on Brithael! I’m into it.

-She makes a katana with her new tools out of her lump of iron, and finds it’s night and day.

Despite ASSHOLE SHINTO immediately crapping on it.

SEKKA: “[I realized that] until now, my katana have been made with anxiety – a fear of being rejected – and not for the pure joy of the art.”

She reiterates her request: please, won’t her father take her on as apprentice? (I really don’t want a father redemption arc, but I see it charging my way like an oncoming train.)

-Shinto reconsiders now. He thinks she lacked focus and determination, and this blade shows the first signs of that. He’ll train her if she can beat me in a competition.



The Final Face-off

-We head to Kugane, where her crush on Brithael is in full bloom. Heightened perhaps by his support.

-Judgment time. Mine is sharp and great. Hers…? He’s hesitant. Thinks it looks awful, but he picks it up, and finds it light. Perfect for a retainer less skilled than a full samurai.

So I win, but he accepts her anyway as showing potential. Admires how she took different scenarios into consideration, like that it might not be a full samurai who wields it.

-And in her joy, she immediately confesses her love for Forgemaster Brithael. Right in front of her sword-wielding dad who goes full demon-eyes, thinking Brithael took advantage of his apprentice.

URGHHH. It’s supposed to be comical, but I’m just annoyed atm.

I was hoping there’d be no father redemption arc, and there wasn’t. This feels worse. It seems to be saying the father was right to be shitting on her work and berating her until she grew enough to be worthy of his support.

[Later edit: The way the questline portrays family versus independence makes me wonder if there’s a Japanese/American cultural gap here. If this were an American game, maybe the happy ending would’ve been Sekka cutting ties, though I don’t know enough about Japanese culture to do more than ask the question.]


Random Stuff Around Eorzea

-An awesome dress:

-Futuristic lion goggles:

-Ququshu’s steppe gathering set:

-Rabbit dark knight:

-Some great player names seen around:

Ignis Nocte
Nuzzles Yandere (…seems dangerous)
Sharp Meow
Momma Kiwi
Crayon Gravy
Bacon Mage
Dixel Pick


Next time: Starting towards the last few 60-70 crafting job storylines. Probably culinarian next.