Thursday, January 3, 2019

Level Up 2019 - Part 2: Songs of Freedom

A type of music giving me energy. World quests.

Coldrun the Human

One of my favorite kinds of music is songs celebrating freedom. Music where just hearing it gives me a rush, makes me even a little dizzy. They also give a sense of the danger of freedom. Isn't that half the fun?

This is the energy I take from the new year.

Kerli's "Zero Gravity":

"No ties are binding me
Now I'm in zero gravity!"

Jevil's theme from "Deltarune.":

"Smells like freedom."
"Chaos, chaos!"

What the heck, one more. Blackway & Black Caviar's "What's Up, Danger?" from "Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse":


Zibnaf the Mage

Cleared out a few days worth of daily world quests, pushing ahead on some BFA reputations.

The world quest system - random quests throughout the world for max level content and rewards - started in Legion, the last expansion. It's pretty fantastic and adds a lot of variety and choice to what I do at max level.

It's still ultimately just WoW's regular quests, but presented in a solid way.