Saturday, January 5, 2019

Level Up 2019 - Part 3: Onions

Someone's chopping onions in here. WoW story progress.

Coldrun the Human

I've wanted to cook with onions for a while, and finally took the plunge. Got an onion, looked up a video on how to cut it, and diced it for a morning omelet.

It wasn't perfect. My biggest problem was that I couldn't keep my knife in a straight line. But in the end, I got the onion diced, cooked it for about 5 minutes in some vegetable oil, and had a nice filling for the omelet!

Even if it was a bit overstuffed.


Zibnaf the Mage

Been working on the new story content of late. It's a lot of fun. Humor, pathos, decent combat environments.

The new Darkshore warfront's story is phenomenal. The Night Elves aren't usually creepy anymore, but Tyrande invoking the dark side of the moon for power qualifies.


The lead-in to the next raid has also begun. My favorite part was infiltrating the city's treasure vault to find the treasure itself come to life as a golem (and future raid boss).


Oh, and the glorious talking ape.