Wednesday, December 6, 2017

FFT War of the Lions – Part 7: Brigadiers

Summary: The stormy side of the Northern Sky. March to Ziekden Fortress. I want to join Team Corpse Brigade.

Eagrose Castle

-I was wrong last time. I thought Dycedaarg died, but he’s just injured.

-Zalbaag will lead the attack on the Corpse Brigade garrison as soon as he finds it.

-Fewer than 20 Corpse Brigade members remain. Plus their leader, Wiegraf Folles.

-They’ll hold off on attacking until Tietra, Delita’s sister, is recovered.

-Outside the castle, Delita is freaking out. Ramza tries to calm him. It works. Briefly.

-Until Jackass McGee – Argath himself – arrives to rile Delita back up. Says that Dycedaarg’s plan to hold off on attacking until they rescue Tietra is a lie.


DELITA: “What did you say?”
ARGATH: *argle bargle I’m a jerk store*
DELITA: “As I thought.”

-A large of this particular brand of Argath dickery is his class bigotry. He thinks Delita as a commoner is beneath him, and that Delita’s sister is a mere “maid.”

-The Corpse Brigade’s base is in Ziekden.

-A new job opens up. Time Mage. I hire a new character, Bertana, to work towards that. Chemist > Black Mage lv.3 > Time Mage.


Mandalia Plain

-Pencil sketch. Ramza and Delita.

-Argath’s words really bothered Delita.

-It’s not just Argath. It’s the truth behind Argath’s words. And the truth behind that Corpse Brigade woman’s words. Medieval Ivalice’s system royally screws a guy like Delita. And he’s one of the lucky ones, a relatively privileged commoner.

But right now, that privilege feels like nothing. Delita is capable and strong and smart, and yet he’s bound to be at most a good soldier in the current system. He’ll never command an army.

-Pretty piano music here.

-I like this relationship a lot. And I like that Ramza doesn’t fight back against Delita’s words. He knows the truth, and stands here, supporting his friend.

-A nice touch at the end, when they play grass whistles together. In memory of happier days, when this class shit didn’t seem to matter to them.


Lenalian Plateau

-Uh oh. Lots of black mages here.

-Milleuda’s here! She’s the one we let go.

-Delita pleads with Milleuda for Tietra back. She rages at him for being a greedy highborn, won’t listen to his protests that he’s no more highborn than she.

-The fight goes well. And Ramza slips up.

RAMZA: “Have we wronged you? Have we somehow made you to suffer? I do not understand what fuels your hatred.”

THEN LISTEN, RAMZA. Milleuda has not been shy about her motives. She’s told you how fucked over the Corpse Brigade – soldiers and lower class – have felt. Looted by the privileged.

Delita has told you this too. I worry that this comment will widen the cracks between them.

-Her reply is perfect. I love Milleuda.

She’s not raging against Ramza specifically. It’s not about him. This is about systems, not individuals.

-Milleuda is on the verge of loss. The only one left standing. She persists, will not talk. She’s been lied to enough.

-She goes down.

-This fight knocked the wind out of Delita’s sails. “What have I become?”

-And then the incongruous victory music breaks in lolol.


Windflat Mill

-Picked up Lifefont on Monk Ramza. Restores health when I move. Could be good if the heals is enough.

-Cutscene. Wiegraf talking to Gorgoroth, who captured Tietra. He’s pissed that they took a hostage. Even a Beoulve.

-Wiegraf sincerely wants to improve things.

-Battle time. Knight, monk, archer, white mage.

-Milleuda was Wiegraf’s sis!

-He’s still going to fight us, but he’ll free Tietra afterwards no matter who wins. He’s a good dude.


-The object here is to kill Wiesgraf, but I’m not rushing it. He’s tanky and elusive. I’ll pick off whichever enemies overextend.

-Ramza offers Wiegraf quarter. Wiegraf says no. Can’t blame him – we just killed his sister.

WIEGRAF: “Ha! No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!”

-We get Wiegraf to critical HP, ending the fight.

WIEGRAF: “Who do you think sent Gustav to kidnap Marquis Ondore? It was none other than your lord brother Dycedarg.” I believe him.

-Man, fuck the nobles in medieval Ivalice. This is all a big power play between Larg the White Lion and Goltanna the Black Lion.

-After the fight. Tietra’s no longer in the warehouse. Gragoroth must have taken her against Wiegraf’s orders.


Ziekden Fortress

-Starting with monk, black mage, chemist, and knight.

-The battle starts with Dycedaarg and the Order of the Northern Sky besieging the fortress from below. Gragoroth is at the top, holding Tietra with a knife to her throat.

-I hope for a brief second that we’ll get good guy Dycedaarg. That he’ll negotiate for the hostage, try to persuade Gragoroth.

lol nope. Argath is with him, and Dycedaarg orders him to attack.

Argath launches an arrow, killing Tietra. He follows that up with an arrow that hits Gragoroth.

Fucking Argath. And fucking Dycedaarg. (But mostly Argath.)

-Dycedaarg walks away. And now we’re fully hostile.

Delita hates Northern Sky for killing his sister and for supporting a structure that pushed him down. Argath hates Delita for being a commoner.

Ramza hates Argath for helping lead House Beoulve down this road. Argath hates Ramza for squandering his nobility, debasing himself by caring for a commoner like Delita.

[Danganronpa 2 spoilers: Netngu erzvaqf zr urer bs puncgre sbhe Antvgb. Ur unq fhpu n shpxrq-hc vqrn bs ubcr naq gur hygvzngrf, naq sryg rfcrpvnyyl qvfthfgrq naq qvfqnvashy jura gubfr hygvzngrf orgenlrq gung ivfvba.]

Even Delita wants to break with Ramza now. I’m not sure, but I think he sees Ramza as either a symbol of the nobility’s corruption or someone who hasn’t fought it hard enough.

-It’s on. Argath calls reinforcements against us. It’s scary as fuck. He’s got knights, a monk, and black mages.


-My party is split up initially. I get wiped out pretty bad. Not sure how to approach this. I’m not sure how to approach this, especially since Delita charged forward and got obliterated. They have huge ranged power, and my party is melee heavy. I get killed soon after by their mages.

-I’ll leave it here for now. Next time, I think I’ll try a white mage to shell some of us, an archer and black mage for range. We’ll see. Worse comes to worse, I’ll level up a bit more.


Next time: retrying Ziekden Fortress.