Saturday, April 17, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 18: Togoreth Redux [Unspoiled]

Summary: Final Arena training for now and then retrying the Togoreth mission. FAR more comfortable this time, despite a silly death.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) My main takeaway from the return to Togoreth is just how valuable the Arena time has been. So much more comfortable with what I was doing this time, and not just because I'd played it before.

2) I'll try to use the Arena semi-regularly, whenever I get a new ability and I'm not sure how it works.

3) Some of the abilities where you can shift the button input to do fire or frost are neat. I'll try to keep those characters in mind more when against varied flan packs.

4) Is there any reason to keep a smaller overall roster rather than just adding everyone I can to the active roster before a mission?

5) The aesthetics of Cater crack me up. She's so small and chooses to swing such a titanic hammer. I love it.