Wednesday, June 24, 2015

FFVII Crisis Core – Part 19: Mech Mutiny

Summary: Genesis’s forces assault the Shinra Building, turning the mechs guarding the place against Shinra somehow. Zack encounters the Turks we know, plus a new one (hard as it is to believe, the first female character in Crisis Core): Cissnei.

Shinra Building

-A new tutorial email told me I can eventually use items to help fuse materia, but not yet.

-Aw. Kunsel believes Genesis will return, inspired by Loveless.

-…argh. The guy guarding the Training Room asked me not to enter. I entered, and got the whole Hojo questline, but now the guard is disappointed in me for going in when I wasn’t supposed to. I wonder if I would’ve gotten a different mission line if I hadn’t gone in.


Sector 8

-The Genesis fan club is crushed about his death, and holding a memorial. Same with Angeal’s. (This whole fan club thing still feels pretty weird.)

-Wait. Zack’s now First Class. Will he get a fan club?

-A kid who was anti-Shinra is now talking to Zack, telling him some legends.

Pshaw. Who’d believe a thing like that?

-Nothing new at the train station.

-Lots of talk about monsters roaming Midgar and Kalm.

-A woman asks us about a “dandy on a black chocobo” who saved her from monsters. I can’t think who he would be, but I’ll bet it’s someone from FFVII.

-A Genesis Girl says that the last act of LOVELESS was missing. Hm.

-The dude with the car says that the secret is in the tires. I now have “Premium Tires” from a prior mission as well as the craftsman manual, so I imagine that’ll eventually be relevant.

-“Civilian” acting shady on LOVELESS Avenue. Hard to say whether he’s scared or hiding something.

-New missions available!


Mission: Monster Research > Monsters in Midgar > Beginnings (1/6)

-Mission is to investigate the claims of monsters.

-Simple mission in the slums.


Mission: Monster Research > Monsters in Midgar > Beginnings (2/6)

-LOL – Zack has the mission to investigate Sector 8 monsters not to protect lives, but to protect Shinra’s legal liability. XD

-Grashtikes and those weird floaty eyeballs, but not much else.


Shinra Building – Director’s Office

(-I actually tried doing the Master Tonberry mission again to get the Magic Pot, but couldn’t find him and gave up. Tired of whittling down those massive HP tonberries.)

-Lazard says that Genesis’s forces must be eliminated, including Genesis and Angeal. But Zack is to be kept out of it. He looks pretty upset about the whole thing.

-Refreshing trope reversal: Lazard says Shinra doesn’t trust Zack to help against Angeal/Genesis because he’s “not objective.” I was expecting him to say, “No, you can count on me.” Instead he’s all, “OF COURSE they’re not objective!”

-Sephiroth will join Zack on the mission. Zack: “To kill them?” Sephiroth smiles. Not sure why.



49th Floor

-Took the elevator down to the entrance, but it stopped here. Some anti-intruder machines are going haywire.

An epic facepalm.

-My new favorite thing in this game is Zack getting annoyed at unskilled Shinra employees.

-LOL – a man and woman were attacked in the training room. Alone. TOGETHER.

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They asked Zack to not tell anyone that they were there, and gave him 5,000 gil as a “thanks” for keeping the affair hush-hush.

-The music is fantastic.



-HOLY SHIT! This place is WRECKED.

Shinra weapons and tech are going berserk. Genesis must’ve made Skynet self-aware or something.

-Swarms of Genesis copies and mechs.

SEPHIROTH: “Hollander must be behind this.” A Shinra scientist who absconded with some copy technology. Lost the job of top Shinra scientist, now out for revenge.


Sector 8

-Someone in trouble. Zack runs to help out, but no help is needed.



And a woman with red hair and the weapon that Yuffie always uses?


-She and Zack get along famously off the bat, and she’s added to the DMW. The tone of this makes me think she’s being introduced as a love interest, but my knowledge of Zack/Aeris heads that off at the pass.


Next time: Zack follows Cissnei and tries to retake Sector 8.