Sunday, October 30, 2016

Coldrun Fitness: Week Ahead

This has been a rough few days.  Getting down on myself is unhelpful, so I'll try not to do that.

Some goals I'll work on this coming week:

  • Walk or bike the four miles tow or from work, 2-3 days this week.  Also one long weekend walk or bike ride.
  • 2,400-2,600 calories per day when I don't exercise. 2,600-2,800 calories per day when I do.
  • Try eating more at and from home, and less out.
  • Try waking up earlier to give myself time for breakfast without feeling rushed.
  • Remember to take medication to help fight depression.  (This is surprisingly key, and in hindsight is strongly correlated with my "good days.")

Let's do it!