Friday, July 6, 2018

FFTA2 – Part 7: The Cat

Summary: Adelle joins. House Bowen vs. Klesta. The tragedy of Swordmaiden Friese. Obliterated by the Red King.

A Total Poacher (main)

-We return with the tomato stalk to Ribs. Let’s see what he can tell us about finding a wizard.

RIBS: “Manifestations of a powerful, unique sort of magick appeared in our lands centuries ago. At the time, it was suggested that the lord of this territory, the Archduke Beaudonis, was responsible. That he had made his *snort* court magicker weave the first spells.”

That court magicker is apparently still alive. Lezaford. The name’s familiar to me, but I’m not sure why. [Non-rhetorical question: Was that a name we’ve seen before in this series?]

-Rumors are sketchy about where Lezaford might be.

-THERE SHE IS! Adelle strolls by in the background. Luso sees her.

-Luso asks Ribs about her, describing the girl. She also apparently has a cat-ear ribbon which I didn’t notice. [Later edit: though now I see it in her portrait.]

LUSO: “Oh, and she’s a total poacher. No sense of fair play at all.” Lolol you got REKT last time.

-Ribs knows her as “The Cat.” She’s hunting a new mark posted in the pub. We’ll follow.


Camoa Notices/Rumors

-Clan Cinquleur sounds like a nasty mage clan.

-The Bonga Bugle is a local newspaper. The editor sometimes posts bills in the pub.

-I assume the rank has something to do with difficulty. Most quests have been in the rank 5/10/15 range. This new one, “Red King of Cinqeleur,” is rank 44!

-The other side quests are set in “Baptiste Hill.” Must be the next area.


Wanted: Ugohr (main)

-We’re hunting a “shelling.” A turtle-type probably.

-I love how bitter Cid is about Adelle, all “Oh suuuuure she’ll be here – after we do the hard work!”

-Adelle doesn’t show even after we kill the beast. We leave.

-lolol she was hiding behind a tree. The real treasure she was after was buried beneath the ground.

-She kneels to dig it up when something paralyzes her.

-REVENGE OF CID! He expected this and laid a trap for her.

-We can’t get the alraune drill from her. She sold it, and also spent the gil from the sale.


Luso and Cid walk away, leaving poor Adelle stuck in her trap.


Throw Down (side)

-Bowen of House Bowen wants me to help take down “an infamous creature.”

-IT’S KLESTA! That crushatrice from when we first came here.

-“Harming the Weak” (harming lower level units) is forbidden. No problem - I’m lower than the boss.

-I bring three party members. House Bowen supplies three guests: Bowen (fighter), a nu mou illusionist, and some demon girl with horns and wings as a “ravager,” some new job.

-Klestra is the first full-on boss I’ve faced. She puts out nasty area damage. Positioning is especially important to dodge her line attacks and zone attacks.

-WAIT SHE’S NOT DEAD?? She takes flight. Bowen lets her go rather than chasing a wounded animal.

-Bowen seems to have some other reason that he won’t tell us. Is he afraid?

-The Bowen illusionist tells their house’s history with Klesta. Swordmaiden Friese (who I read about) was their friend. They fought Klesta together and Klesta fled. Bowen sent Friese to finish her off.

“But it was not victory that waited for us – it was the broken body of our comrade.” She died. So much for a future party member as I’d expected. No wonder he stopped me.

Oh shit. Friese was Bowen’s wife.


Camoa (main)

-Cid’s ready to move on from Camoa, find new territory to seek info about Lezaford. He knows someone in Graszton who might help.

-A certain cat-eared thief may want to help.

ADELLE: “Aw, Luso, don’t look so sad! I’m here because we’re friend!”

-She’s excited to go to Graszton because it apparently has delicious cakes.

-OH HELL YES! Adelle joins Clan Gully.

Strange. I had the chance to not hire her. [Non-rhetorical question: is she an optional character, or would the game have forced me to accept her had I said no?]

-My current non-Luso human will have to take a seat on the bench.

-Just noticed btw that there’s a quest called “Camoa Cup” that’s unavailable to me. It’ll become available in 203 days. Some kind of clan tournament.


Red King of Cinquleur (side)

-Red King Ruuj from that mage guild, the Cinquleur, is taking on challengers.

-This is the rank 44 quest. I doubt I’m meant to beat this yet, but I’ll try it.

-OH GOD! Red King Ruuj himself is a level 44 viera mage. I have like no chance here, do it?

-Yeah, no chance. He’s a powerful red mage. My attacks do only a few points of damage.

-I stole Dark Matter from him. I wonder if I can keep that even though I fled? …No, seems not.


Kids These Days (side)

-Younger members of Clan Criek have been getting rowdy in the pub. The clan leader wants my help bringing them in line.

-I have no idea what story I just walked in on them telling lol.

-They’re not a super tough fight, but they take a while to go down.

-Aha! My nu mou mage got MVP. I checked her character status afterwards.

The MVP marker is built up a bit. I imagine something happens when that fills after getting MVP enough.

-FINALLY!!! I just unlocked a staff with Cura. My second white mage ability.


Mushroom Chef (side)

-A chef wants some delicious Baptiste mushrooms. I have to pick the Baptiste and avoid the poisonous ones.

-They’re getting creative with the laws in this game. No back attacking in this fight.

-I like that enemies can trigger traps too. (Although I dislike that enemies are unbound by laws. It was fun in FFTA to find ways to get them to break the law and sent to jail.)

One of my favorite spell effects comes in this fight. A lamia casts some kind of mass sleep spell, which turns the sky into night with a full moon, complete with bats flying around.

-I take out the enemies here and start testing mushrooms. The poisonous ones don’t do damage, but they make me giddy/make my head spin, etc.


General Training I (clan trial)

-Most training boosts one particular clan talent while reducing another. The “General Training” bumps everything a little bit across the board.

-This gives a BIG boost, and it’s rank 20. I don’t know if I’m ready, so I try the “Trainees” rank to start. I have to kill five enemies.

-Another shitty law where “missing” is forbidden. Again, I can sort of manage this my risk here? I still miss once late in the fight on a 95% chance to hit. GRRRR.

-My moogle died, and now she goes into some kind of moogle jail.

-A visual indicator that since I broke the law, I can’t revive this fight.


Next time: heading west to Graszton.