Friday, February 22, 2019

Physical - Part 1: Clementine

  • Breakfast: Three clementines.  Overate yesterday, wasn't that hungry.
  • Lunch: Cheeseburger, fries. Bottled frappuccino.
  • Dinner: Lightly buttered baked potato with green beans. Finally microwaved a potato in a way that worked. 7 minutes at 700W (do 9 min next time), wrap in foil for a few minutes after.
  • Snacks: Thin Mints (12), protein bar, handful of nuts. 

I've been searching for fruit that I like eating for a while. Apples are not my thing. Pears are okay if they're super firm. I like bananas in shakes/smoothies or even cereal with milk, but not on its own.


Now I know that CLEMENTINES are where it's at. These are so good, and relatively easy to eat! Had oranges recently. They were pretty good too. 

Bless Girl Scout cookies. Love em. Just gotta beware since it's so easy to go through a box a day, and I want to savor these. Twelve is a lot... but at the same time, it's basically a miracle that I still have over half a box left.



Walked a bit today. Also tried out push-ups. Couldn't do regular ones, but got a few sets of knee push-ups in. Weirdly satisfying to feel my muscles tested, even in that small way. I'll try this some more.