Friday, February 12, 2021

FF Type-0 – Part 2: Armaments and Promotions [Unspoiled]

Summary: Getting the lay of the land with the game’s ability systems. Destroying the first main jammer.


Five Thoughts

-What's with all the acronyms? Fire RF, Blizzard BOM? Is it something I'm expected to know, something that doesn't matter, or something that gets revealed later?

-Is there something in the game that tells me what the different action icons mean? Some of them I get, like the sign next to "Auto Reraise" means it's a passive ability. But what's the difference between the leftward-arcing arrow of "Cut Cards" versus the upward pointing arrow of "Life Hand?"

-I'm already enjoying the variety of abilities that I get access to with promotions. In this session, I went after them fairly haphazardly, but next time I plan to try making characters specialize a bit more.

-Getting Crisis Core vibes already from the world design. Not in terms of repetitiveness, but rather in terms of pre-set "levels" to conquer. I wonder if that's just a tutorial thing, a PSP thing, or something else.

-Despite still being unsure about how the red and yellow targeting reticles work and their timing, I’m enjoying shooting for them. It does seem like I have to be a bit patient and that if I just spam attack they won’t come. Will play around with that more.