Wednesday, January 5, 2022

FFXIV Endwalker - Part 25: Don't Fear the Reaper [Unspoiled]

Summary: Level 70 reaper quests. A family of expats in Ul'dah, led by the peerless badassery of Drusilla. 

"We turned our tools to weapons and struck a bargain with the whispers in the dark." 

-Everything about Drusilla's design is brilliant. The boots, the jewelry covering up her Garlean gem thing, the scythe, everything. Is this the first old woman as a main job story NPC? (Sincere question, as I have a terrible memory.) 

-A lot of the core job gear (like the level 50/60/70 sets) is great, but I have special love for the starting reaper weapon. I think it's the tape along the handle to give it a better grip that locks it in for me. 

-The job's mechanics were fairly intuitive, but I still got a lot of help after my first read of the tooltips from this wonderful YouTuber: 

I strongly recommend checking out Teegres' channel. He does great guides specifically for leveling up in jobs, which I find to be unique since so many guides out there are for max level.