Monday, January 10, 2022

FFXIV Endwalker - Part 30: Best of the Best [Unspoiled]

Summary: Planning an incursion into Garlemald. Meeting the callback smorgasbord that is the Ilsabard Contingent. 

"They've got their share of liars and murderers, but so do we. So do we all." 

-I appreciate the game's focus on the political and moral challenges of the various Alliance peoples going to fight to SAVE Garleans, and how they emphasized so few oppressed peoples have interest in this mission. 

-*sigh* Emmanellain. Still, I appreciate that they gave him a realistic and reasonable story arc. He went from being a monstrous jackass to being an annoying dunkus, which is a definite come-up. 

-THERE WERE SO MANY PAST QUEST NPCS I RECOGNIZED!!! This was super exciting. So glad I did lots of job quest lines leading up to this. My most unexpected was seeing Cocobuki and the thaumaturges. Who were y'all most excited and happiest to see? 

-That said, I was happier to see Sadu again than I had been to see ANY job line NPC. 

-Look, I get that I'm extrapolating wildly and wishfully and without any real textual confirmation, but idc. SADU X CIRINA *heart emoji*