Saturday, January 1, 2022

FFXIV Endwalker - Part 22: The Jewel of Thavnair [Unspoiled]

Summary: Regrouping in the satrap's chambers of Radz-at-Han after our victory in Zot. 

"I exhort thee to spare no effort to keep thy loved ones safe." 

-Look. I don't know exactly who among the main cast (if anyone) will die in Endwalker, but the game is strongly hinting that Alphinaud and/or Alisaie are going to be threatened. But I was doing roulettes with friends last night when one friend mentioned that if you use them both in a trust dungeon, Alphinaud will prioritize healing Alisaie even over the tank. 

And it hit me. If either twin dies, it might almost hurt more for just one to die and see them have to deal with the other being gone than if both were to die. 

Oh god i'm not prepared for ANYTHING. 

-I don't blame the city for keeping things on lockdown a bit longer, but I wonder when the main aetheryte will open up for teleport. I assume pretty shortly, but could be later in the story too. -Great player name of the video: Cosmo Memory 

-While editing, I think I saw the correct path to get to that sightseeing point. I was WAY overthinking it.