Thursday, September 15, 2016

FFX – Part 24: Yevon Cup

Summary: The Aurochs play in a tense tournament that comes down to overtime in the finals. Beginning the path to the Moonflow. So many Ochus.

Tournament #1, Quarterfinals: vs. Kilika Beasts

-Trying out a tournament. Looks like the Glories and Goers get first round byes.

-Up 2-0 early with two Jecht Shots, and then FINALLY a non-Jecht Shot goal from Datto!

-Seems like status effects go away between goals.

-NICE! Just tried out Datto’s Nap Shot and it can even affect the opposing keeper.

-Would love to learn Wither Tackle or Nap Tackle on more of my players. Might give me a better chance in the mid-sphere against the real high-endurance players like the Fangs.

-Victory, 5-0.


Tournament #1, Semifinals: vs. Luca Goers

-The Beasts were a cakewalk. This will likely be not so easy.

-A couple of early saves by Keepa. The Goers are being a bit weird in their shot selection. Like, shooting from half-sphere and farther.

-First score of the game is a normal, non-Jecht Shot goal by Tidus. I wanted to try learning a technique from the defender, which I did (Wither Tackle), but I was close enough that still made it

-Up 1-0 going into the second half, and I FINALLY found Keepa something to try techcopying. The opposing goalie equipped “Super Goalie.”

Centering pass.

-That was awesome! I’d never seen a “Volley Shot” used before. Apparently, Volley Shot is for when the keeper deflects a shot. The attacker with Volley Shot can try a rebound basically. Keepa saved em both, and I got myself a techcopy.

-I like how time keeps ticking while the Jecht Shot is going.

-Victory, 3-0.

-Our team level increased to 3, and our “scout level” (something that I didn’t know existed before now) increased to 2. Maybe that means it’ll be easier to sign players.


Tournament #1, Finals: vs. Al Bhed Psyches

-Finals time. This game is especially exciting for me because there are two techniques for Keepa to learn from their keeper Nimrook. Going to really try pouring shots on goal this first half.

-Successful Keepa techcopy, though not sure what exactly I techcopied.

-1-0. God, napping the opposing keeper is so much fun.

-I keep forgetting that I don’t actually need to breakthrough with the Jecht Shot. It’s usually unnecessary risk.

-I think Shuu is a new player for the Psyches. I like her model.

-Up 1-0 at the half. It was Super Goalie that Keepa learned, a CA boost.

-Blappa’s got 19 SH. Definitely scared of him.

-NIMROOK STOPPED THE JECHT SHOT!!! He used Super Goalie I think and it boosted his CA to 27. I’m… strangely happy? The Jecht Shot has felt a bit like cheating up until now, but now that I see keepers have a way to counter it, the playing field is looking a bit more even.

A bit.

-Tied at 1. Overtime.

-Grrr, Nimroooook!! Stopped another Jecht shot, this one from very close range that could’ve gone either way.

-WHOA WTF WAS THAT. Blappa, their top shooter, shot from a distance and midway through the ball’s path it stopped and did a loop-de-loop spinny thing. That must be the Spin Ball I learned last game.

-Keepa with the save! My heart.

-Tidus in front. Shakes off a defender, shoots…

-crap crap ctrap Nimrook got a Super Goalie bonus, he’s got 26 CA vs Tidus’s 25 as it leaves his foot…

-GOAL!!!!!!!!!!! GOAL GOAL GOAL!!!!!! The SH was 20 by the time it reached Nimrook, but despite the odds, despite Nimrook’s 26 CA, it snuck by.

-Wakka, that Yevon Cup win was for you.

-lol unlocked the “Showing Off” achievement.

-For prizes, increased Datto’s tech abilities and won a Return Sphere. Not sure what that does.

-That was fun and awesome.

-Already been playing a while, but will at least build a bit of personal momentum and get moving a ways down the road.

-The Return Sphere turns out to be awesome. Let’s me change location on the Sphere Grid.


Departing Djose

-Still hurts to see so many ex-Crusaders seeing the defeat against Sin as a sign that they should return to Yevon’s warm embrace. For all I know, it may be a sign from Yevon, but I wonder if the Crusaders would feel quite so repentant if they knew the minds of Seymour and Kinoc.

-Lucil is worried for Yuna.

-Lucil’s heading out now too. Across the Moonflow, then north to replace the perished chocobos.

-lol poor Clasko is running behind because he’s literally running while Elma and Lucil are on that lone chocobo.

-Found a new player, Kyou. Decently high CA, but I think Keepa is a keeper. His AT is 15 which interests me. I could use a stronger tackler. Lowish BL.

-Next step for us is crossing the Moonflow, like Lucil. I wonder if we’ll see her there.


Road to Moonflow

-Ochu on the road. Time to test our strategy.

Hm. Silence seems to not impact its ability to do Ochu Dance. Still took it out. Gotta prep a bit by blocking the stuff I really care about – Darkness for the melee, silence for the casters.

-Shelinda on the road.

-Yeah, I sure as hell learned a lesson from that fight, but I don’t think it’s the same one you learned.

-Shelinda is heading to Guadosalam.

-Lulu’s Fira is such an all-star against Ochus.

-Ochus are immune to Dark. There goes plan B.

-Got a poison weapon for Auron. I seem to remember hearing that poison does percentage based damage, so maybe it’ll hurt a big health monster like Ochu.

The 7,049th Ochu I meet on the road.

-Someone (Auron I think?) learned a new overdrive mode, Comrade. Wonder what it is. Perhaps he builds Overdrive by using Guard.

-Burning hard through Lulu’s mana, but her Fira is too indispensable.

-Encountered two obnoxious Ronsos on the road, chasing away a human. Yenke and Biran. Mocking Kimahri for being hornless.

-Maybe they’re not so bad. They’re warning us that summoners have been disappearing… wait, no, they’re assholes. They seem to be threatening…. Or not? Hard to say. They leave.

-Whatever their intentions towards Yuna, they reeeeeally hate Kimahri. Not just hate him – they mock him, they disdain him.

-Unsurprisingly, Kimahri won’t say what’s going on, even if Tidus wants to help. Wakka (one of whose core personality traits seems to be respecting rules and traditions) backs Kimahri. Something about this being just Kimahri’s problem to deal with alone.

-Lulu’s worried about the disappearing summoners. So is Auron. Tidus isn’t worried, because he’s Tidus.

-Plan B against the Ochu is actually to use Ifrit, and Plan B rocks. In small doses at least since his HP aren’t infinite.

-HAHAHAHHAA – at the start of a fight:

YUNA, in a TERRRRRRIBLE Besaid accent: “A lot of fiends here, ya?”
LULU: “Don’t talk like that.”

-omg omg omg look at lulu’s new weapon

It’s Cait Sith! Lulu’s new nickname is Reeve. (it’s really not.)

-I’m just happy that the Ochu Dance doesn’t affect the backline members.


Next time: continuing towards the Moonflow.