Saturday, September 10, 2016

Coldrun Fitness - 9/10/16

Been watching Stranger Things recently, and so I'm on an Eggo kick. :)

Food Log
  • Eggo waffles with light maple syrup and orange juice. (400 cal)
  • Chipotle burrito bowl. (1,000 cal)
  • Java chip frappuccino light. (150 cal)
  • Toaster strudel. (180 cal)
  • Macaroni and cheese. (640 cal)
  • Two Eggo waffles. (180 cal) 
Eating a couple of waffles at the end was a good choice. I was pretty hungry at that point, and there's no way any changes I make will last if I rely on not eating when honestly hungry.
Total calories: 2,550


  • 30 minute PokeWalk.  At first,I stopped constantly on PokeWalks to give myself a better chance at stuff not running away, but screw that.  Unless it's a rare, I keep walking while I play, try to work up a sweat.