Monday, May 17, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 31: Elevator Boss [Unspoiled]

Summary:Stealthing through a Milites lab. Brionac is the wooooorst. Nimbus. End of chapter 3.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) Before I dive into more negative elements, I frigging LOVED the music this session (like at 8:20)! So good and intense.

2) The main stealth section I actually thought was really well designed, once I got used to it. The mines with the red areas were well-laid out and the patrolling mechs were very clear in terms of what would make me get caught.

Though I'm not sure how I was supposed to deal with the lab "stealth" section. Was I supposed to kill the researchers first or find and destroy the alarm first? Didn't feel like I had a lot of time, but I really have to review the Rubicus for the targeting shortcuts. Maybe I could've even rushed in with a Blizzard BOM to take them all out. Not sure.

4) FUCK BRIONAC. I hated that boss. Hate hate hate. It was nauseating, disorienting, and I just couldn't get a physical sense of the room with everything shaking and happening so fast.

I get the sense it was intended to be like FFXIV's Engels fight, but boy was it not. It felt like almost pure luck that it only took me two tries to win. What was the strategy supposed to be?

5) Similarly, what was the deal with Nimbus at the end? Given what we know of Nimbus' power my guess is that it was a scripted loss, but my last character died so dang quickly that it was hard to say for sure.