Monday, May 3, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 25: Making Him Proud [Unspoiled]

Summary: Ace's dream of Izana. Altocrystarium boost. Just over 3 days now until the next mission.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) Do you ever skip the lessons (stuff like Defense Magic 2)? They seem so powerful that they feel mandatory. Just feels weird that it's presented as optional.

2) The SPP vendor sells such good stuff that I always regret skipping SPP. Going to try to use that much more going forward.

3) Are there particular situations where you do NOT recommend using SPP? Like, where they'll actively hinder me?

4) My terrible memory came back to bite me. I got all mixed up in the dream section about Izana. I now know that Izana is MACHINA'S brother, not Ace's. Whoops.

5) Is there anything other than the Altocrystarium that I should be saving my phantoma for?