Monday, May 24, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 34: Drilling a Way Out [Unspoiled]

Summary: Fighting our way out of Ingram and the imperials and giant mechs that try to stop us. Machina's anger and concerns come to the surface. Rem flies flags.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) Cyclone Drive feels so good it's unfair at times. Let me know if you'd prefer I avoid it on bosses, if it's considered cheating or something (though I doubt it is).

2) I loved the look on Captain Ines' scorpion mech. Had to be directly pulling from FFVII, right?

3) I feel like I was missing something on that map, or a lot of somethings. Not sure what. Something about the layout and ups and downs got me a bit turned around.

4) HI TO MY FIRST BEHEMOTH! I wonder what all the monsters were doing in the city.

5) So glad that Machina's distrust is out in the open now rather than being allowed to fester any longer and lead to a million misunderstandings and miscommunications.