Sunday, July 10, 2016

FFIX – Part 42: The Tetra Master

Summary: The auction house and Tetra Master tournament. Vivi returns home. Freya on Kuja’s trail.

Auction House

-Oh my god, so much great stuff. A Rat Tail and Dark Matter are the two that jump out at me. Rat Tail in FFIV was for Excalibur iirc, and in FFI was the thing that let you get a major job promotion – convert from black mage to black wizard, thief to ninja, monk to master, etc.

-I don’t think I’ll win the Dark Matter – that sounds like it’ll get into the 90-100k range and I don’t have that gil. But I buy the Rat Tail for 18k. The flavor text doesn’t really give much away about its purpose, and make it sound like a joke. I don’t buy that it’s a joke item, though it could be trolling me based on the Rat Tail’s past use.

-The other item that I’ll try for is Une’s Mirror. I think this might have something to do with Doga’s Artifact, since both Doga and Unei were characters in FFIII.

-Bought it. 14k gil. Hope it was worth it. But if not, c’est la vie. I know that in a blind run like this, there’s no way I’ll make the most out of the auction house. It’s all barely-educated guesses.

-Text for Une’s Mirror: “The body may perish, but the spirit lives on.” Interesting. I remember less about my FFIII playthrough than any other FF because I consumed it so quickly, before I really had a rhythm/pace I liked for this series, but there was something in it about Unne being this long-suffering spirit iirc.

-I was wrong. Dark Matter went for only 16k. I don’t regret it though – I really wanted the Rat Tail and Unne’s Mirror.

…nah. I’m lying to myself to make myself feel better. I wish I had not bough Unei’s Mirror and spent it on the Dark Matter in hindsight. But again, didn’t know it would be so cheap. So I guess while I regret what I did, I would’ve made the same choice at the time with the information I had.

Maybe I don’t regret it after all.

-I’ll hope to be back here down the line to try buying stuff. Maybe Dark Matter will come back on the market. Who knows. (lol all of you do)

-Went back into the auction house immediately, and one of the things being auctioned is Dark Matter again, so I’m more hopeful that I can come back later to try again.

-A guard outside the auction house describes it as “King’s family auction house.” Which king?


Zidane around Treno

-A waitress in the tavern here tell us we have a “treasure hunter rank,” and that rank is F. Which sucks. Ok? I have no idea what this is talking about. Maybe it’s related to the chocobo treasures.

-LOLOL – a thief here is annoyed that one of the treasure chests he looked at is empty.

Because I took it last time I was here. I’M THIS POOR DUDE’S LONE WOLF

-For a city that I only spent a little time in, I feel surprisingly comfortable with the layout of Treno.


Card Stadium

-Let’s do this. I’ll go into it with low expectations, assuming I’ll get whomped, and that’s okay if it happens.

-I have to win two matches, then face the champion. If I win all of them, I get some prize.

-The card champion is “a cutie in a sailor’s uniform.”

-First round game is against “Attic Man Wake.” What an awesome name. Like a Dick Tracy villain.

-Crap. Lost. But I got to try again (which I LOVE as a mechanic) and won the second time. I could go for round two right now, but ATEs opened up. And the name of one of them has me in a tizzy.


Home Sweet Home

-This is Vivi’s home? It looks like a steamy cave.

VIVI: “This is where I fell… I was staring at something down there.” Fell? Something? GAH I NEED MOAR.

-His grandpa helped him from the fall, but this is where his fear of heights came from. :(

-This place looks long abandoned. I see a Qu fork there.


-That must be a majorly divergent Qu philosopher right there. Or perhaps just learned to deal with a sickness of some kind with grace near the end. Vivi said that he didn’t eat anything near the end of his life.

-Tantalizing ATE right there. 


Card Stadium

-Round two against Cardona Bishop.

-Drew the first game, won the second.

-The finals is coming up. No rematches for the finals. They tell me to find a moogle to save if I think I might lose. I appreciate the warning – I really do – but if I lose, I lose. Not going to restart to try again.

-First another ATE.


Good Old Days

-Amarant and Freya outside the auction house.

-They are getting along a bit better. Freya says that Zidane changed her.

-Freya’s been investigating Kuja. He may be King.

I wouldn’t be surprised. That would explain why the auctioneer was so close to him, and being a distributor of rare things fits with what we know of Kuja.

-Freya’s not convinced though. Not enough proof.

-Amarant is hinting at various knowledge. Hints at backstory. He was a bored security guard “until the day he showed up.” HE WHO??

-Amarant asks Freya if she’s interested in his past. Two options. She can say yes, or “I won’t force it out of you.” You BET I’m interested, but this may be a Yuffie situation where the direct answer doesn’t get me what I want. Amarant strikes me as someone who might open up more if Freya plays it casual, not pressuring him. I’ll try that.

-ARRRRGH he just walked away. I should’ve picked the “yes, I’m interested.” Freya didn’t just say “Yes I’m interested but I won’t force it out of you.” She said “No [I’m not interested] and won’t force it out of you.” Grrrrrr. That’s not the tone I was going for at all. :( I hope I didn’t just cut off cool dialogue options forever.

Dragon Age did that sometimes and it always pissed me off. Where you pick one dialogue option, but the way the character expresses it is not at all what you intended.


Card Stadium

-Finals time.

-It’s Regent Cid! A woman named Erin in the sailor suit is with him.

-Not sure what their relation is, if Erin is the actual player or just the front to help Cid play as an oglop. The latter could be possible. Cid is only allowed into the stadium after Erin says he’s her pet. :(

-Yup. Cid is the champion here.

-Last round. Sailor Erin. I’m going to go out on a bit of a limb here and play with better cards than I usually do. If I lose, I lose.

-Sailor Erin has an all-oglop deck it seems.

-Victory! Won a Rebirth Ring.

-OH RIGHT! Erin is the pilot from Lindblum.

-Cid is here for the tournament, but also to test something. The new airship: Hilda Garde 2. Cid wanted to test it now because he has a funny feeling something bad’s coming.

-Eiko rushes up to us. A local moogle told her something horrible’s happening in Alexandria. Shit.

-I’m also pissed that I didn’t get to explore the other ATEs that had been listed as options. Note to self: if I have a bunch of ATEs and do one, then walk to another screen to get the option to do the rest. Seems silly that I have to do that rather than being able to knock out a few in a row, but it is what it is.

I thought that doing the third card game would be enough to allow me access to the other ATEs. I was wrong. :( :( And yes, I’m super salty about it because those ATEs are a highlight for me. HATE when options are taken away from me before I’m ready or done exploring them. Hate hate hate hate.


Next time: trouble in Alexandria.