Sunday, July 31, 2016


Stepping back briefly. 

I've been thinking a lot about why I have trouble losing weight in any meaningful way.  I believe it's because I suck at adulting.  There's no one way to be a functioning adult of course, but as I examine my life, I see that I'm missing so many of the fundamental building blocks that compose the kind of life I envision.

Theory: if I build these blocks effectively, it will help me lose weight in the short-term and set things up for a healthier life going forward.

That's my new challenge for myself.

Some of these habits I want to build are more personal than I'm comfortable sharing.  Others I'll write about here.  Not all habits are directly fitness-related, but most will have at least tangential benefits.  Limiting myself to starting one habit per day.

More details on what this habit-building process will look like tomorrow.