Thursday, July 21, 2016

FFIX – Part 52: Queen Garnet, Queen Dagger

Summary: The party settles on a next step. Dagger returns to Alexandria.

Lindblum Castle

-Kuja talked a lot and was boring, but not otherwise terrible.

-He told Hilda his “master plan.” LOLOL she calls it “tiresome.”

But a nightmare still. Kuja wants to use the world to acquire destructive power. Kind of what we saw with the eidolons.

-Hilda is still rightfully upset with Cid. He apologizes, and she believes him… for now.

-Wow. He looks way more dignified than prior games.

Hall of Fame facial hair right there, Cid. Bravo.

-What a wondrous, goofy little plot.


Lindblum Castle – Elsewhere

-Black screen. “Zidane…” Garland?

No. Just a soldier, waking Zidane up in the guest room.

-Zidane was dreaming. About Dagger. And wishes the dream could’ve lasted longer. Awww.

-Hilda called a conference. To tell us about what she knows about Kuja probably.

-Mogki the moogle. Has a letter for us to deliver to Kumool. A new moogle.

-The Lindblum engineers, including Zebolt, are working hard to build a new airship but need Cid.


Conference Room

-Cid’s appearance is a tad shocking.

-Where’s Dagger? Only person missing from this conference. Steiner goes to look for her.

-Cid plans to use the Blue Narciss as a baseline for the new airship.

-Hilda confirms a bit about Kuja.

I was about to say he’s “extra-terrestrial,” but that wouldn’t quite be accurate since he’s literally from Terra. Not this planet, Gaia. And yet that image of the planets merging together in Oeilvert sticks with me.



-Tantalus ATE. Repairs aren’t going well.

-Steiner comes by, looking for Dagger. No luck.

-He’s suspicious of them, but I really believe Tantalus has good intentions (with some theft on the side). They agree to help look for Dagger.

-Steiner thanks them. Honestly. Sincerely. YAY CHARACTER GROWTH!


Conference Room

-Terra is connected somehow with the Shimmering Island.

-The gateway between Terra and Gaia is sealed, but there’s a place where the seals can be broken. If it’s called “the Sealed Cave,” I’m throwing things.

-We have to head to an old castle on the Forgotten Continent. That must be the place with the upside-down half below it.

I feel like there must be something to that. Twin planets, merged planets, and a twinned castle.

-An explorer went there once and said the cliffs were too steep to explore. (Maybe even Stiltzkin!) Sounds like airship time.

-Hilda wants to call this castle Ipsen’s Castle as a placeholder. Hm. I feel like this is a reference to something I’m missing, because otherwise that’s one random-ass name.



-Engineering ATE in the shipyard.

-Cid’s back, and his human brain is back, and it’s time for some sciencing.

-The music is triumphant and inspiring af.


Conference Room

-We have a plan. Just need a means of travel, and it sounds like we’re about to get one.

-Vivi is so angry at Kuja. Amarant is realistic, noting how much of a power advantage Kuja has.

-Steiner busts in. The princess is missing. Lol. What is this, like the fourth or fifth time this game that she’s been lost/missing/taken?

-Zidane thinks he knows where Dagger fled to. You got me. I’m really not sure where she… wait, I know. Probably Madain Sari. Back to her roots.


Searching for Dagger

-Tantalus, charging about the city, searching for her.

-Checked Ruby’s theater – hey! We’re in Alexandria now. Cool. Ruby hasn’t seen her.

I like this side relationship we see between Blank and Ruby. Friendship? Flirtation? Both? I don’t know, but it’s interesting.

-Maybe Dagger’s at her mother’s grave.

-Zidane and Baku see each other here. No luck for them either in the search.

-Baku saw “that chick,” but doesn’t say who. Zidane chases after him with curiosity. Freya? Beatrix? I really don’t know.

-Zidane follows Baku, and the “chick” appears. It’s Beatrix. Her glorious and sad music heralds her entrance.

-This is strange. Zidane keeps running after her and she keeps disappearing. Is she an illusion, or just elusive? It’s starting to feel a bit Scooby-Doo.

-Found her.

-She feels so guilty for having been able to protect this city. She’s just wandering around amidst the ruins. What a tragic image that casts.

Self-inflicted punishment.

-Beatrix is upset to hear that Dagger’s missing, but thinks she might be at the “resting place.” Brahne’s probably.

-Beatrix asks us two favors. First, to tell Dagger that Alexandria wasn’t her fault. Second, to give her something. A Garnet. I wonder what eidolon this will grant.


Resting Place

-She’s here.

And speaking! Yay!

-Dagger has found renewed determination to be a peace-bringing queen of Alexandria, to restore the city. But wants to hang with us a bit longer.

-She really wants to be worthy of being a queen. Not just how to act like a queen or look like a queen, but really be worthy of it.

-Zidane tosses her the Garnet, telling her a story of it. The garnet used to be a regular stone, but made a wish. To shine. It traveled from person to person, shining along the way.

And now it shines for Garnet. Beautiful and supportive story.

ZIDANE: “If you’re willing to make an effort, you’ll shine too someday! The day will come when Alexandria needs you. There’s no rush. The important thing is to have the desire.”

Best protagonist y/y?

-Dagger is impacted by this. And asks to borrow Zidane’s dagger. Walking away. “Remember the way I was… for me.” Oh shit, what are you about to do, Dagger? Something identity-changing most likely.



I’m really not used to games giving characters who I assumed would be side characters this degree of focus, this level of development, such wonderfully juicy arcs that just keep on growing naturally. Chrono Trigger and FFVI both did a great job of it, and no coincidence those games pulled me in so deeply.

And it’s not like Dagger is just some weird side arc. Her arc is core to the main story, and the other characters comfortably support her. Zidane and Eiko in particular.

-Cinematic as the hair floats away across Alexandria, the city being rebuilt.

Hail to the queen.


Next time: Flight.