Wednesday, March 17, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 10: Rubicus [Unspoiled]

Summary: Dipping my toe into the vast wealth of background that is the Rubicus. A friendly Tonberry. Phantoma usage.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) I love the Rubicus. It's a bit overwhelming, but I'll try to keep chipping through it.

2) Thank you Almaeron for catching the 6 hour thing! (The game DID tell me about the 6 hour cost of leaving Akademia, and I accidentally speed-clicked through it.)

3) Given my 8 hours left, until the next mission, I'm torn between leaving Akademia once more to try for the Corsi Cave tasks or just talking to four of the exclamation pointed NPCs in Akademia. Any preferences/thoughts/suggestions?

4) Next time, will visit the arena and chocobo stables.

5) I'll also start trying to winnow down a main party. Leaning towards Trey because I really enjoy the bow, but still picking the others.