Tuesday, March 9, 2021

FF Type-0 – Part 6: Mission Day [Unspoiled]

Summary: My first mission outside Akademia. Ace, Deuce, Trey.


Five Thoughts

-I was initially going to just focus on three random specific characters each time, but am I understanding it right that the yellow-marked characters at the start of a mission are the ones that get bonuses?

-Not sure how I feel about only active characters getting experience. Wait – yes I am, I hate it lol.

-Related: should I grind up my characters to be sure that they’re at the same level? On one hand that sounds boring, having to repeat missions. On the other hand, if I’ll be under-leveled otherwise, I’m willing to do it.

-Deuce is an interesting role as a bard. Just not sure how much I’ll get out of playing her actively rather than just leaving her as an AI-controlled support character.

-I reaaaaally enjoyed playing as Trey. The bow was much easier to use to hit those red and yellow target reticles compared to Ace’s slow-moving cards.