Monday, March 22, 2021

FF Type-0 – Part 11: Secret Training [Unspoiled]

Summary: Powering up some party members and spells. Hatching an egg. Tasks taunt me. Visiting the Arena.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) The tasks keep piling up to mock me. I can only do one, friends! With my eight hours left, I plan to leave and try to do some of the suburban Corsi Cave tasks at least.

2) Is it the case that it's ONLY leaving Akademia that chews up 6 hours? I plan to leave Akademia (8 hrs - 6 hrs = 2 hrs left) and then pick up and complete tasks in Aqvi and the other place for Corsi, complete them, and return to Akademia with hopefully 2 hours still to go to talk to one exclamation point person.

3) I get that Rem and Machina transferred to Class Zero from other classes, but now that I know Class Zero is new, I'm not sure what the card-named party members were doing up until the liberation. Just training under Arecia in a lab maybe.

4) Speaking of which, I have a bad feeling about Arecia. She feels like she'll unveil a sinister "Mother says KILL MY ENEMIES! Go, Class Zero! Mwa ha ha!" side.

5) I feel like I'm using the daggers super badly or just misunderstanding what I should be doing with them. Any advice/halppp? (See 38:40 for my training arena fight with daggers.)