Monday, June 7, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 38: Bombs in Heat [Unspoiled]

Summary: Iscah region exploration. Circus Solaris. Style advice in Mi-Go. Through the . Questing in the oppressive Jubanla region.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) The fashion and coolness advice in Mi-Go cracked me up. I love spreading my style to those bros.

2) I can't believe I momentarily mixed up flans and bombs. I guess both are round-ish and fiery?

3) Screw Jubanla. Any zone that drains your health just by being there is a big old no from me.

4) Is there a way in-game to read enemies a la Libra? I was surprised that my Blizzard BOM was doing so little damage to enemies like the inferno flan and would love a way in-game to check what enemies are weak again. Maybe the Rubicus?

5) Was I SUPPOSED to brave that cavern? Can't be. Absolutely not. It's weird that while some areas are walled up to me that Mt. Jubanla was open. Maybe it was meant for NG+.