Thursday, June 10, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 39: Quick to Bolt [Unspoiled]

Summary: Arena practice with Eight and the new Quickbolt Stance. Akademia as the whole continues to prove themselves flaky cowards who don't have our backs - Ryid aside.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) I'm going to try using Eight much more. I really his mix of smaller, faster attacks, the new drain ability in Quickbolt, and the titanic Explosive Fist.

2) Definitely will coming back to the Rubicus in the next session, as long as my throat can take it. The writing about the flan cracked me up. I especially loved the electric flan punning.

3) In the Jubanla session, my Blizzard BOM was doing minor damage against Inferno Flan. Why is that? The compendium made it seem like they should have been weak to ice.

4) Ryid continues to be the best. He's got our back and I love him for it. (Even if he reminds me of the Goron leader in "Ocarina of Time.")

5) Next time, I'll had back out to Iscah and Mi-Go for some of the quests there.