Wednesday, June 23, 2021

FF Type-0 - Part 41: The Dragon l'Cie [Unspoiled]

Summary: Trey practice. Rubicus historical and character entry review. Vague Kazusa and Emina interactions. Preparing for the next sortie.


Five Thoughts/Questions

1) Trey's Firewall is acrobatic as heck. I'm just not sure it's very good.


3) The Lorican Black Paladins sound super awesome.

4) Speaking of awesome: I hope we get to meet Soryu, the 5,000 foot dragon l'Cie.

5) Should I keep splitting those final hours between Emina and Kazusa or focus on one or the other?

1 comment:

If you're commenting on the Final Fantasy playthrough, DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SPOILERS. This includes any hints or references or teasers for content beyond where I have played. Thank you.