Monday, January 5, 2015

FFVI – Part 64: Gladiator and Gogo

Summary: We strike out with Strago in Ebot’s Rock and Thamasa, but find Shadow in the Dragon’s Neck coliseum. Some brief exploration of a really fun mini-game. Travel next to Intangir Isle, where we get sucked in by a Zone Eater. No Strago inside, but Gogo is a go.

Ebot’s Rock

-I don’t see a way to get onto that mountain. Maybe Hidon’s a random encounter here.

-LOL WHOOPS – I was using the Skeletal Horror rage on Gau. He was a bit low on life, so had Relm cast Cura on him. And it killed him, because that rage apparently turns Gau undead.

-No Strago here, or Hidon.



-Going to Thamasa, because it’s close and I now have Relm.

-Shadow left. He went to the coliseum. Let’s pursue.


Dragon’s Neck Coliseum

-Ah, so this is a gambling place. You wager items and get prizes if you win fights I guess.


According to the coliseum owner, he has to work off a debt. For 100 years.

“You’d better not bet any cheap crap, or Mr. Typhon’ll have to teach ya a lesson!” So Ultros is the receptionist, and Typhon’s the bouncer.

-An Imperial soldier is here. He says he passed along a secret to “that friend of yours with the bandana” to talk to the emperor twice. So I’m guessing the legendary treasure will lead us to Locke. It’s probably the phoenix thing.

-“All battles in the coliseum are one-on-one auto-battles.” I know what one-on-one means, but not sure about the auto-battles. We’ll see.

-A fighter in all black is looking for Ichigeki. Is that Shadow then?

Reaping the benefits of a world in chaos.

-Let’s try a fight. I wager a crappy Air Knife. As Ultros warned me, Typhon is the combatant.

-He Snorts immediately. That was a short fight. Is Typhon an auto-loss?

-Let’s risk something more, and hopefully get Shadow. Ichigeki.

-Hi, Shadow! Sabin obliterates him, and Relm convinces him to join us. Hurray!

-Siegfried is here, in the waiting room. I wonder how I fight him.


-I THINK I KNOW WHAT EXCALIPOOR IS FOR. I’d bet all my gil that wagering Excalipoor will lure Gilgamesh.

-I don’t want to risk it right now. I want to wait until I have Locke back. It may not matter, but I feel like, if they’re in a fourth-wall-breaking mood with Gilgamesh, Locke may remind him of Bartz.

-I wager the Soul Sabre and have to fight Aspidochelon. Let’s try Gau.

Victory! Got a Falchion.

-I try the Assassin’s Blade now, and get “Test Rider.” Vs…. Edgar.

-No, dude, don’t Bioblaster. You have a chainsaw! The AI here isn’t the smartest, and I can’t find a way to set tactics a la Dragon Age: Origins.

-Whatever. Won a “Swordbreaker.” I can definitely tell that the coliseum is the kind of thing that will become much more rewarding on replay with full knowledge.

-ENUO? Oh. Not that Enuo. I wagered a Blood Sword and won a Blood Sword. Hm. I don’t even think I ended up with two Blood Swords. That’s… weird.

-Wagered a Murasame and won a second Masamune. Sabin’s kicking ass for me.

-Again with the mirror wager. I wagered Viper Darts and won Viper Darts after Sabin beat a Weredragon.

-Relm is many things, but “dominant arena combatant” isn’t one of them. She eked out a win against an Armored Weapon by plinking away.

-I’m good here for now. I’ll come back with a fuller party.

-Not sure where Strago could be if not Thamasa or Ebot’s Rock. Going to next try Intangir Island. Someone in Thamasa mentioned it, so I guess it counts as a lead.


Intangir Island

-Found a Zone Eater. Not Atomos. Same model as the Slagworms. Much weaker though. It can suck players in, but seems to just be an instant-kill rather than parallel dimension or something like that.

-Going to save, and then let myself get eaten. Ugh. This game likes to screw with my fear of giant monsters, doesn’t it?



Lord Jabu-Ja… ahem, Zone Eater’s Belly

-Fun music, for a stomach.

-Upstairs = the way out. I want to go down.

-I’m pretty sure a leprechaun just knocked me off a bridge.

A dash of platforming.

-Got Genji Armor.

-…got a Fake Mustache. Wtf is this place…

-Wow! That Fake Mustache changes “Sketch” to “Control!” Can’t wait to get Strago back now.

-Next area has a crushing floor, with only a few safe spots. It’s like a platformer game.

-Made it. This is nervewracking.



-Hi, Gogo! Mimic again I imagine! But this time, you’re on our team. Nice to have you on board. Gogo’s gonna copy us – both in battle, and in our purpose to save the world.

-Teleporting out.


Next time: more exploration.