Thursday, January 8, 2015

FFVI – Part 72: Gilgamesh the Gladiator

Summary: An encounter with Deathgaze goes badly. A bet in the coliseum goes gloriously, gloriously well.

The Falcon

-Flying around randomly trying to find Deathgaze.


-LOL WHOOPS. Most of my party is level 50 and died to his Level 5 Death spell. Setzer’s the only survivor.

He revives Strago a couple of times, but before Strago can Arise any other members, Deathgaze flees.

-Two positives from that fight: a) I learned to be careful with my Deathgaze-hunting composition. b) Strago was alive at the end, so he learned Level 5 Death.

-Adjusting my party, and I notice a Berserker Ring: “Deep crimson ring that absorbs fire damage. Equip on a yeti and see what happens.” Ok.

-Encountered him again and got a couple of Ultimas off on him. Lesson for next time: worry about regular Death, not just Level 5 Death. Also, I had Mog in my party who was level 45. I equipped him with a Ribbon, hoping it would prevent death. It didn’t.


Cid’s House

-Came back here with Locke and Celes in the party. Found a magicite on the beach, Quetzalli! I love being rewarded for exploring.

-Didn’t find any special interaction in the house, or on the northern cliff.


Desert near Figaro

-Explored the desert at Figaro’s original location searching for the ruins the thief at the Cultists’ Tower described. No luck.

-No luck either at the desert near Figaro’s current western location.


-Yeah, I’ll come back to this.


Dragon’s Neck Coliseum

-Going to head here to check out two things:

#1) My Bartz/Locke/Gilgamesh theory. (That’s not an O3P.)

#2) Whether I can have Mog fight there and have the arena count as a new dance terrain.

-Mog took out a Weredragon in one round. Go Mog! But no new dance.

-Ok. Here we go for the first theory test.

I’m kind of ridiculously nervous right now because I so want this to happen, though I’m pretty sure it will. *deep breath* *fingers and toes crossed*

DAMMIT. I was wrong.

I wagered Excalipoor, and the opponent is Onion Dasher, not Gilgamesh. I totally built my hopes (with good reason, in my defense).

-The Onion Dasher is actually a tough fight. His “Traveler” spell nearly one-shots Locke, but Locke survives and then one-shots the Dasher. We get a “Merit Badge.” Locke’s such a boy scout.





-The game flings us into a full party battle with Gilgamesh, not just the one-on-one autobattle.

-He hits tremendously hard, and is a really tough fight, but we win. “It seems I may have misjudged your strength.”

-The Onion Dasher trolled me so fucking hard.

-Got a Genji Helm.


-I was wrong about the Locke interaction, but IDEC. Gilgamesh now can get his wish and travel with us to have adventures.

-The spells taught, Quick and Valor, are pretty phenomenal. I’m curious to see what summoning him will do.

-I give the magicite to Mog for now, partly because I love the image of a Mog-Gilgamesh tag team.

-One more thing I want to try out for now: Umaro in the arena. What seems to slow down some of my party is the AI having them waste time on spells like Dispel off the bat. I’m hoping that Umaro will avoid all that nonsense.

-I wager a Behemoth Suit (since I have 6). It’l be Umaro vs. “Outsider,” a ninja-looking dude.

-Umaro wins, though barely. However, I think the close call was due to the Outsider being fast and tough, not due to any weakness in Umaro. Won a “Snow Scarf.”

-Just tried summoning Gilgamesh in combat for funsies. Three weapons fall from the sky. Then Gilgamesh crashes in from the side, picks up the weapons, and charges the enemies. To top it all off, his buddy Enkidu then comes soars in and causes a cyclone. The spell is called “Enkidu.”

-I call this reason #2,287 I am happy I’m playing the games in order. My life is complete.


Next time: Sail from Nikeah in hopes of finding Leviathan.